265 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    EEG-based detection of the locus of auditory attention with convolutional neural networks

    Servaas Vandecappelle, Lucas Deckers ... Tom Francart
    Convolutional neural networks can decode whether a person is listening to a speaker on the left or right solely from 1 to 2s of EEG data.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Detecting adaptive introgression in human evolution using convolutional neural networks

    Graham Gower, Pablo Iáñez Picazo ... Fernando Racimo
    Convolutional neural networks are an effective tool for detecting archaic adaptive introgression from genomic data.
    1. Neuroscience

    Emergence of brain-like mirror-symmetric viewpoint tuning in convolutional neural networks

    Amirhossein Farzmahdi, Wilbert Zarco ... Tal Golan
    Mirror-symmetric view tuning in the macaque AL face patch can be explained by the spatial pooling of learned reflection-equivariant representations.
    1. Neuroscience

    Interpreting wide-band neural activity using convolutional neural networks

    Markus Frey, Sander Tanni ... Caswell Barry
    A novel deep-learning framework shows how to interpret and decode raw neural recordings, avoiding the need for strong prior hypotheses, revealing a novel representation of head direction.
    1. Neuroscience

    Deep learning-based feature extraction for prediction and interpretation of sharp-wave ripples in the rodent hippocampus

    Andrea Navas-Olive, Rodrigo Amaducci ... Liset M de la Prida
    A new method is described to identify sharp-wave ripples from the rodent hippocampus with deep learning techniques, which may help to identify and characterize previously undetected physiological events.
    1. Neuroscience

    Invariant representation of physical stability in the human brain

    RT Pramod, Michael A Cohen ... Nancy Kanwisher
    Scenario-invariant representation of physical stability is found in the frontoparietal regions but not the ventral visual pathway (and ImageNet-trained convolutional neural networks), consistent with the hypothesis that computations underlying physical stability may entail forward simulations of what will happen next.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    A convolutional neural network for the prediction and forward design of ribozyme-based gene-control elements

    Calvin M Schmidt, Christina D Smolke
    Machine learning has been applied to develop predictive models for designing RNA gene-control elements with targeted gene-regulatory activities.
    1. Neuroscience

    How biological attention mechanisms improve task performance in a large-scale visual system model

    Grace W Lindsay, Kenneth D Miller
    Implementing neural changes associated with attention in a deep neural network causes performance changes that mimic those observed in humans and macaques.
    1. Plant Biology

    Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution

    Adrian Wolny, Lorenzo Cerrone ... Anna Kreshuk
    Convolutional neural networks and graph partitioning algorithms can be combined into an easy-to-use tool for segmentation of cells in dense plant tissue volumes imaged with light microscopy.
    1. Neuroscience

    The nature of the animacy organization in human ventral temporal cortex

    Sushrut Thorat, Daria Proklova, Marius V Peelen
    The animacy organization in human ventral visual cortex is driven by both the presence of animal-diagnostic visual features and the psychological property of agency.

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