167 results found
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Stochastic yield catastrophes and robustness in self-assembly

    Florian M Gartner, Isabella R Graf ... Erwin Frey
    Fluctuations in the availability of particles for binding can completely jeopardize yield in heterogeneous self-assembly.
    1. Cell Biology

    Synergistic stabilization of microtubules by BUB-1, HCP-1, and CLS-2 controls microtubule pausing and meiotic spindle assembly

    Nicolas Macaisne, Laura Bellutti ... Julien Dumont
    Promotion of microtubule pausing by a kinetochore module controls meiotic spindle assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans oocytes.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Favipiravir elicits antiviral mutagenesis during virus replication in vivo

    Armando Arias, Lucy Thorne, Ian Goodfellow
    Favipiravir, a novel nucleoside analogue, can clear a persistent norovirus infection in vivo through lethal mutagenesis.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Unrestrained growth of correctly oriented microtubules instructs axonal microtubule orientation

    Maximilian AH Jakobs, Assaf Zemel, Kristian Franze
    Biased growth of microtubules in the advancing axon tip contributes to the uniform orientation of microtubules in mature axons, which is essential for proper neuronal functioning.
    1. Cell Biology

    Localised dynactin protects growing microtubules to deliver oskar mRNA to the posterior cortex of the Drosophila oocyte

    Ross Nieuwburg, Dmitry Nashchekin ... Daniel St Johnston
    Dynactin acts as an anti-catastrophe factor that extends microtubule growth; posteriorly elucidating a new essential step in oskar mRNA localisation and providing a novel mechanism by which motor-dependent transport can amplify the polarity of MT networks.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Cell Biology

    Kinesin-4 KIF21B is a potent microtubule pausing factor

    Wilhelmina E van Riel, Ankit Rai ... Anna Akhmanova
    Kinesin-4 KIF21B combines a processive motor activity with two non-motor microtubule-binding domains and an autoregulatory region to induce pausing of microtubule plus ends.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Cell Biology

    Kinesin Kip2 enhances microtubule growth in vitro through length-dependent feedback on polymerization and catastrophe

    Anneke Hibbel, Aliona Bogdanova ... Jonathon Howard
    The budding yeast kinesin Kip2 is a polymerase that uses its processive motility in a positive feedback loop to promote microtubule growth.
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    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Cell Biology

    The size of the EB cap determines instantaneous microtubule stability

    Christian Duellberg, Nicholas I Cade ... Thomas Surrey
    The EB binding region defines the length of the protective cap that stabilizes growing microtubules.
    1. Neuroscience

    Velocity coupling of grid cell modules enables stable embedding of a low dimensional variable in a high dimensional neural attractor

    Noga Mosheiff, Yoram Burak
    The neural representation of position in the medial entorhinal cortex may be stabilized by synaptic connectivity across modules, which enforces coherent updates in their states.
    1. Neuroscience

    Are single-peaked tuning curves tuned for speed rather than accuracy?

    Movitz Lenninger, Mikael Skoglund ... Arvind Kumar
    Single-peaked tuning curves found in early sensory areas are more optimized for quick decoding than accuracy, while multi-peaked tuning curves (e.g. grid cells) give higher accuracy but only at longer time scales.

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