1,640 results found
    1. Ecology
    2. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Microbiome-pathogen interactions drive epidemiological dynamics of antibiotic resistance: A modeling study applied to nosocomial pathogen control

    David RM Smith, Laura Temime, Lulla Opatowski
    A novel mathematical modeling framework for antibiotic-resistant bacteria combining within-host microbiome-pathogen interactions with population-level pathogen epidemiology, demonstrating how antibiotic consumption and ecological competition come together to drive the spread of resistance.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Universal gut microbial relationships in the gut microbiome of wild baboons

    Kimberly E Roche, Johannes R Bjork ... Elizabeth A Archie
    In baboon gut microbiota, most pairwise correlations in bacterial abundances are weak and negative, and bacterial correlation patterns are largely shared across hosts, rather than personalized to each hosts.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Host genetic selection for cold tolerance shapes microbiome composition and modulates its response to temperature

    Fotini Kokou, Goor Sasson ... Itzhak Mizrahi
    Microbiome and transcriptomic profiling of genetically selected tropical fish with high and low tolerance to cold exposure revealed host control over microbiome composition and response to temperature changes.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Effects of domestication on the gut microbiota parallel those of human industrialization

    Aspen T Reese, Katia S Chadaideh ... Rachel N Carmody
    Gut microbial signatures of domestication parallel those of industrialization, implicating shared ecological drivers.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The East Asian gut microbiome is distinct from colocalized White subjects and connected to metabolic health

    Qi Yan Ang, Diana L Alba ... Peter J Turnbaugh
    The gut microbiota of East Asians is distinct, dissociated from body mass, and self-sustains compared to White subjects from the same region, and therein may underpin a key health disparity.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Microbial genetic and transcriptional contributions to oxalate degradation by the gut microbiota in health and disease

    Menghan Liu, Joseph C Devlin ... Lama Nazzal
    A novel multi-omics framework revealed the taxonomic contribution to microbiota oxalate, demontrated O. formigenes as the dominating taxon transcriptionally, and identified specific IBD cohort at risk for oxalte toxicity.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Metabolite exchange between microbiome members produces compounds that influence Drosophila behavior

    Caleb N Fischer, Eric P Trautman ... Nichole A Broderick
    Interactions between fungal and bacterial microbiome members alter Drosophila melanogaster's chemical environment, affecting host behavior and survival.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Modeling transfer of vaginal microbiota from mother to infant in early life

    Martin Steen Mortensen, Morten Arendt Rasmussen ... Søren Johannes Sørensen
    Modeling weighted transfer ratios enable statistical analysis of maternal–infant transfer at a more general level and can indicate whether any transfer is persistent, transient, or originates from alternate sources.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Antibiotic-induced changes in the microbiota disrupt redox dynamics in the gut

    Aspen T Reese, Eugenia H Cho ... Lawrence A David
    Disturbing the microbiota with antibiotics alters gut redox state via changes in electron acceptor availability, setting the stage for post-antibiotic succession.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    SIMMER employs similarity algorithms to accurately identify human gut microbiome species and enzymes capable of known chemical transformations

    Annamarie E Bustion, Renuka R Nayak ... Katherine S Pollard
    Computational reaction representations and profile hidden Markov model searches of metagenomics databases can be harnessed to accurately predict bacterial species and enzyme sequences responsible for biotransformations in the human gut microbiome.

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