284 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Pregnancy Loss: A possible link between olfaction and miscarriage

    Neven Borak, Johannes Kohl
    Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with an altered perception of male odors and differences in brain regions that process smells.
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    1. Neuroscience

    Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men’s body-odor

    Liron Rozenkrantz, Reut Weissgross ... Noam Sobel
    Women with unexplained miscarriages have an altered behavioral and brain response to men's body-odor, and this may reflect a factor in their condition.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Metabolic control of cellular immune-competency by odors in Drosophila

    Sukanya Madhwal, Mingyu Shin ... Tina Mukherjee
    Impact of odor experience on myeloid metabolism and immunity.
    1. Neuroscience

    Innate Behavior: Flies spring a surprise

    Johanna M Kobler, Ilona C Grunwald Kadow
    A combination of genetic, anatomical and physiological techniques has revealed that the lateral horn, a region of the brain involved in olfaction in flies, has many more types of neurons than expected.
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    1. Neuroscience

    State-dependent representations of mixtures by the olfactory bulb

    Aliya Mari Adefuin, Sander Lindeman ... Izumi Fukunaga
    Responses to odour mixtures are more discriminable in awake, behaving mice due to a combination of dampened responses keeping responses in the linear range and pattern decorrelation, with these two mechanisms operating on different timescales.
    1. Neuroscience

    Most primary olfactory neurons have individually neutral effects on behavior

    Tayfun Tumkaya, Safwan Burhanudin ... Adam Claridge-Chang
    Of the 50 primary olfactory channels in vinegar flies, only 10 drive avoidance or approach behavior when activated by themselves, indicating that most olfactory responses are multi-channel responses that follow complex combination rules.
    1. Neuroscience

    Sniff-synchronized, gradient-guided olfactory search by freely moving mice

    Teresa M Findley, David G Wyrick ... Matthew C Smear
    To track odors borne on turbulent airflow, mice strategically follow their nose, with sampling movements and sensory computations reminiscent of those demonstrated in nematodes and insects.
    1. Neuroscience

    Information flow, cell types and stereotypy in a full olfactory connectome

    Philipp Schlegel, Alexander Shakeel Bates ... Gregory S X E Jefferis
    Synaptic resolution analysis of a full olfactory connectome reveals lateralised circuits, convergence of innate and learned pathways, and shows that homologous neurons are highly stereotyped within and across brains.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mechanisms and functions of respiration-driven gamma oscillations in the primary olfactory cortex

    Joaquin Gonzalez, Pablo Torterolo, Adriano BL Tort
    Computational analyses of in-vivo cerebral activity show that gamma oscillations in the olfactory cortex originate from local feedback inhibition following each sniff and serve to segregate competing odor representations through a winner-take-all process, providing an optimal window to decode odor.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Characterizing functional pathways of the human olfactory system

    Guangyu Zhou, Gregory Lane ... Christina Zelano
    Human primary olfactory cortical regions can be parcellated into anatomically distinct areas based on whole-brain functional connectivity profiles, suggesting distinct, parallel functional pathways in the human olfactory system.

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