8,271 results found
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Decoding locomotion from population neural activity in moving C. elegans

    Kelsey M Hallinen, Ross Dempsey ... Andrew M Leifer
    Neurons in the brain exhibit activity with various relations to locomotion and these signals are best decoded by combining activities from many neurons.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Activin A marks a novel progenitor cell population during fracture healing and reveals a therapeutic strategy

    Lutian Yao, Jiawei Lu ... Maurizio Pacifici
    Activation of Activin A-expressing progenitor cells emerges as a pivotal mechanism in bone fracture healing, shedding light on a potential therapeutic avenue to augment bone repair processes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Dynamic dichotomy of accumbal population activity underlies cocaine sensitization

    Ruud van Zessen, Yue Li ... Christian Lüscher
    Cocaine elicits opposing activity changes in D1R vs D2R spiny projection neurons of the nucleus accumbens with much variability, subsequent recruitment of a subset of D1R neurons drives behavioral sensitization.
    1. Neuroscience

    State-dependent geometry of population activity in rat auditory cortex

    Dmitry Kobak, Jose L Pardo-Vazquez ... Alfonso Renart
    Representation of sound lateralisation and intensity by neural population in the rat auditory cortex strongly depends on the brain state suggesting that the neural tuning to lateralisation is not hard-wired.
    1. Neuroscience

    Rapid learning in visual cortical networks

    Ye Wang, Valentin Dragoi
    The rapid learning of sensory information in cortical circuits is accompanied by a tight coordination of spike timing with the local theta-band population activity in visual cortex.
    1. Neuroscience

    Internal models for interpreting neural population activity during sensorimotor control

    Matthew D Golub, Byron M Yu, Steven M Chase
    A novel analysis of neural activity recorded in monkeys performing a “brain-machine interface” task reveals that a mismatch between motor effectors and the brains’ internal models of those effectors can explain a substantial portion of movement errors.
    1. Neuroscience

    Demixed principal component analysis of neural population data

    Dmitry Kobak, Wieland Brendel ... Christian K Machens
    A new data analysis tool provides a concise way of visualizing neural data that summarizes all the relevant features of the population response in a single figure.
    1. Neuroscience

    Local processing in neurites of VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells differentially organizes visual information

    Jen-Chun Hsiang, Keith P Johnson ... Daniel Kerschensteiner
    Neurite arbors of VGluT3-expressing amacrine cells (VG3-ACs) process visual information locally uniformly detecting object motion while varying in contrast preferences; and in spite of extensive overlap between arbors of neighboring cells population activity in the VG3-AC plexus encodes stimulus positions with subcellular precision.
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    1. Neuroscience

    Synchronous activity patterns in the dentate gyrus during immobility

    Martin Pofahl, Negar Nikbakht ... Heinz Beck
    Two-photon in vivo calcium imaging reveals short time-scale, synchronous and sparse population activity in dentate gyrus that replays place-related information, and is important for formation of dentate-dependent spatial memory.
    1. Neuroscience

    Motor cortex activity across movement speeds is predicted by network-level strategies for generating muscle activity

    Shreya Saxena, Abigail A Russo ... Mark M Churchland
    While performing learned movements at different speeds, motor cortex population activity can be understood based on the need to generate muscle activity via smooth, well-behaved dynamics.

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