944 results found
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Impact of a decade of successful antiretroviral therapy initiated at HIV-1 seroconversion on blood and rectal reservoirs

    Eva Malatinkova, Ward De Spiegelaere ... Linos Vandekerckhove
    An early start to long-term antiretroviral therapy limits the size of the HIV-1 reservoir more effectively than treatment that starts later.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Phenotypic analysis of the unstimulated in vivo HIV CD4 T cell reservoir

    Jason Neidleman, Xiaoyu Luo ... Nadia R Roan
    An in-depth view of the in vivo blood and tissue HIV reservoir is presented highlighting shared phenotypic features between individuals, thus enabling marked ex vivo enrichment of replication-competent latent cells.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Pathogen invasion-dependent tissue reservoirs and plasmid-encoded antibiotic degradation boost plasmid spread in the gut

    Erik Bakkeren, Joana Anuschka Herter ... Wolf-Dietrich Hardt
    Bacterial gut pathogens that invade into host tissues during infection can boost the spread and accumulation of plasmids over time by forming reservoirs containing these plasmids within host tissues.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Establishment and stability of the latent HIV-1 DNA reservoir

    Johanna Brodin, Fabio Zanini ... Jan Albert
    Building on previous work (Zanini et al, 2015), deep-sequencing is used to show that HIV persistence during suppressive antiretroviral therapy, the main hurdle for HIV cure, is due to homeostatic proliferation and longevity of infected cells rather than ongoing virus replication.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Dengue viruses cleave STING in humans but not in nonhuman primates, their presumed natural reservoir

    Alex C Stabell, Nicholas R Meyerson ... Sara L Sawyer
    An analysis of innate immunity reveals why dengue viruses do not reach high titers in primate laboratory models, even though they emerged through zoonotic transmission from primate reservoirs.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Predicting mosquito infection from Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte density and estimating the reservoir of infection

    Thomas S Churcher, Teun Bousema ... María-Gloria Basáñez
    Identifying and treating those groups of individuals that are most likely to transmit the malaria parasite to mosquitoes could help to control the spread of the disease.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    The HIV-1 latent reservoir is largely sensitive to circulating T cells

    Joanna A Warren, Shuntai Zhou ... Nilu Goonetilleke
    HIV-specific T cells remain detectable for years in HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy and importantly, mostly (68%) recognize HIV viruses that have the capacity to rebound following treatment interruption.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Identification of HIV-reservoir cells with reduced susceptibility to antibody-dependent immune response

    Antonio Astorga-Gamaza, Judith Grau-Expósito ... Maria J Buzon
    The expression of CD32 in HIV-reservoir cells prevents the binding of specific anti-HIV antibodies conferring resistance to NK cell-mediated death, and gives the cell the potential to proliferate in the presence of immune complexes.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Modelling the contribution of the hypnozoite reservoir to Plasmodium vivax transmission

    Michael T White, Stephan Karl ... Azra C Ghani
    Mathematical models of the build-up and depletion of the hypnozoite reservoir in the liver can inform the design of treatment strategies for preventing Plasmodium vivax relapse infections.
    1. Neuroscience

    Phylogenetic variation in cortical layer II immature neuron reservoir of mammals

    Chiara La Rosa, Francesca Cavallo ... Luca Bonfanti
    The higher amount of cortical immature neurons in brains with expanded neocortices may represent a reservoir of young cells for mammals with reduced neurogenesis.

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