4,672 results found
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Glial ferritin maintains neural stem cells via transporting iron required for self-renewal in Drosophila

    Zhixin Ma, Wenshu Wang ... Su Wang
    Iron content in neural stem cells controlled by glial ferritin is critical for self-renewal and proliferation of neural stem cells.
    1. Cell Biology

    PASK links cellular energy metabolism with a mitotic self-renewal network to establish differentiation competence

    Michael Xiao, Chia-Hua Wu ... Chintan K Kikani
    Stem cell heterogeneity is progressively built in proliferating population by the action of mitochondrial glutamine metabolism that opposes the cell cycle-linked self-renewal network to generate differentiation-competent progenitors.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Intestinal epithelium-derived BMP controls stem cell self-renewal in Drosophila adult midgut

    Aiguo Tian, Jin Jiang
    The niche signal that ensures stem cells self-renew appropriately has been identified in the midgut of Drosophila.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Universality of clonal dynamics poses fundamental limits to identify stem cell self-renewal strategies

    Cristina Parigini, Philip Greulich
    Stem cell self-renewal strategies fall into two classes, and only strategies of different classes can be experimentally distinguished via static clonal data.
    1. Developmental Biology

    SOXF factors regulate murine satellite cell self-renewal and function through inhibition of β-catenin activity

    Sonia Alonso-Martin, Frédéric Auradé ... Frédéric Relaix
    A set of ex vivo and in vivo experiments, including genetic ablation and regeneration studies, identify a key regulatory function of SOXF factors in muscle stem cells in mice.
    1. Plant Biology

    Tuning self-renewal in the Arabidopsis stomatal lineage by hormone and nutrient regulation of asymmetric cell division

    Yan Gong, Julien Alassimone ... Dominique C Bergmann
    Quantitative live-cell time-lapse imaging reveals that the spatial and temporal degree of cortical polarity domains reflects stem-cell division capacity in cells of the Arabidopsis plant leaf epidermis.
    1. Cancer Biology

    P2RY14 cAMP signaling regulates Schwann cell precursor self-renewal, proliferation, and nerve tumor initiation in a mouse model of neurofibromatosis

    Jennifer Patritti Cram, Jianqiang Wu ... Nancy Ratner
    In a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1, the purinergic receptor P2RY14 is a key regulator of Schwann cell precursor self-renewal and proliferation, of neurofibroma tumor initiation and of mouse survival.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Transcriptional regulation of neural stem cell expansion in the adult hippocampus

    Nannan Guo, Kelsey D McDermott ... Amar Sahay
    Kruppel-like factor 9 (Klf9) is a transcriptional regulator of neural stem cell expansion in the adult hippocampus.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Sam68 promotes self-renewal and glycolytic metabolism in mouse neural progenitor cells by modulating Aldh1a3 pre-mRNA 3'-end processing

    Piergiorgio La Rosa, Pamela Bielli ... Claudio Sette
    The RNA binding protein Sam68 links a key metabolic route to the neural stem cell fate in the developing mouse brain.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Yap1 safeguards mouse embryonic stem cells from excessive apoptosis during differentiation

    Lucy LeBlanc, Bum-Kyu Lee ... Jonghwan Kim
    During ES cell differentiation, Yap1 directly regulates apoptosis-related genes like Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 to attenuate apoptosis and promote cell survival to allow for successful cell fate changes.

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