91 results found
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Lhx1 maintains synchrony among circadian oscillator neurons of the SCN

    Megumi Hatori, Shubhroz Gill ... Satchidananda Panda
    A transcription factor called Lhx1 coordinates the activity of the brain's master circadian clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, by controlling communication between its constituent cells.
    1. Neuroscience

    Differential effects of light and feeding on circadian organization of peripheral clocks in a forebrain Bmal1 mutant

    Mariko Izumo, Martina Pejchal ... Joseph S Takahashi
    Conditional deletion of Bmal1 in the forebrain/SCN reveals an essential role of a functional master clock in maintaining synchronized and high amplitude rhythms of peripheral clocks.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct ipRGC subpopulations mediate light’s acute and circadian effects on body temperature and sleep

    Alan C Rupp, Michelle Ren ... Tiffany M Schmidt
    Daily fluctuations versus transient perturbations in environmental light influence behavior and physiology through distinct circuits.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Daily electrical activity in the master circadian clock of a diurnal mammal

    Beatriz Bano-Otalora, Matthew J Moye ... Mino DC Belle
    Circadian control of neuronal excitability in the master circadian clock of a diurnal mammal as revealed by whole-cell recording and mathematical modeling.
    1. Neuroscience

    Seasonal plasticity in GABAA signaling is necessary for restoring phase synchrony in the master circadian clock network

    Kayla E Rohr, Harshida Pancholi ... Jennifer Evans
    A seasonal switch to excitatory GABAA signaling dictates how daily clock neurons interact to encode environmental change.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) regulates the circadian clock

    Andrea Brenna, Iwona Olejniczak ... Urs Albrecht
    Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulates the circadian clock involving phosphorylation of the PER2 protein.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Temporal transcriptomics suggest that twin-peaking genes reset the clock

    William G Pembroke, Arran Babbs ... Peter L Oliver
    RNA sequencing reveals the finer details of circadian variation in the mammalian master pacemaker over 24 hours, which suggests that transcriptional timing influences clock resetting mechanisms.
    1. Neuroscience

    A subset of ipRGCs regulates both maturation of the circadian clock and segregation of retinogeniculate projections in mice

    Kylie S Chew, Jordan M Renna ... Samer Hattar
    A single subpopulation of photoreceptors constitutes a shared node in the neural networks that regulate light-dependent maturation of the circadian clock and light-independent refinement of retinal ganglion cell projections to the brain.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    The sleep-wake distribution contributes to the peripheral rhythms in PERIOD-2

    Marieke MB Hoekstra, Maxime Jan ... Paul Franken
    Sleep-wake patterns, together with a suprachiasmatic nuclei-independent circadian factor, are necessary and sufficient to maintain high-amplitude nychthemeral rhythms in PERIOD-2.
    1. Neuroscience

    Loss of ZBTB20 impairs circadian output and leads to unimodal behavioral rhythms

    Zhipeng Qu, Hai Zhang ... Ying Xu
    The zinc finger protein ZBTB20 is a morning and evening activity gating factor in mice.

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