CellSeg3D: self-supervised 3D cell segmentation for microscopy

  1. Brain Mind Institute & Neuro X, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering. Geneva, Switzerland

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Albert Cardona
    University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Albert Cardona
    University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This work makes several contributions: (1) a method for the self-supervised segmentation of cells in 3D microscopy images, (2) an cell-segmented dataset comprising six volumes from a mesoSPIM sample of a mouse brain, and (3) a napari plugin to apply and train the proposed method.

(1) Method

This work presents itself as a generalizable method contribution with a wide scope: self-supervised 3D cell segmentation in microscopy images. My main critique is that there is almost no evidence for the proposed method to have that wide of a scope. Instead, the paper is more akin to a case report that shows that a particular self-supervised method is good enough to segment cells in two datasets with specific properties.

To support the claim that their method "address[es] the inherent complexity of quantifying cells in 3D volumes", the method should be evaluated in a comprehensive study including different kinds of light and electron microscopy images, different markers, and resolutions to cover the diversity of microscopy images that both title and abstract are alluding to.

The main dataset used here (a mesoSPIM dataset of a whole mouse brain) features well-isolated cells that are easily distinguishable from the background. Otsu thresholding followed by a connected component analysis already segments most of those cells correctly. The proposed method relies on an intensity-based segmentation method (a soft version of a normalized cut) and has at least five free parameters (radius, intensity, and spatial sigma for SoftNCut, as well as a morphological closing radius, and a merge threshold for touching cells in the post-processing). Given the benefit of tweaking parameters (like thresholds, morphological operation radii, and expected object sizes), it would be illuminating to know how other non-learning-based methods will compare on this dataset, especially if given the same treatment of segmentation post-processing that the proposed method receives. After inspecting the WNet3D predictions (using the napari plugin) on the used datasets I find them almost identical to the raw intensity values, casting doubt as to whether the high segmentation accuracy is really due to the self-supervised learning or instead a function of the post-processing pipeline after thresholding.

I suggest the following baselines be included to better understand how much of the segmentation accuracy is due to parameter tweaking on the considered datasets versus a novel method contribution:
* comparison to thresholding (with the same post-processing as the proposed method)
* comparison to a normalized cut segmentation (with the same post-processing as the proposed method)
* comparison to references 8 and 9.

I further strongly encourage the authors to discuss the limitations of their method. From what I understand, the proposed method works only on well-separated objects (due to the semantic segmentation bottleneck), is based on contrastive FG/BG intensity values (due to the SoftNCut loss), and requires tuning of a few parameters (which might be challenging if no ground-truth is available).

(2) Dataset

I commend the authors for providing ground-truth labels for more than 2500 cells. I would appreciate it if the Methods section could mention how exactly the cells were labelled. I found a good overlap between the ground truth and Otsu thresholding of the intensity images. Was the ground truth generated by proofreading an initial automatic segmentation, or entirely done by hand? If the former, which method was used to generate the initial segmentation, and are there any concerns that the ground truth might be biased towards a given segmentation method?

(3) Napari plugin

The plugin is well-documented and works by following the installation instructions. However, I was not able to recreate the segmentations reported in the paper with the default settings for the pre-trained WNet3D: segments are generally too large and there are a lot of false positives. Both the prediction and the final instance segmentation also show substantial border artifacts, possibly due to a block-wise processing scheme.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


The authors propose a new method for self-supervised learning of 3d semantic segmentation for fluorescence microscopy. It is based on a WNet architecture (Encoder / Decoder using a UNet for each of these components) that reconstructs the image data after binarization in the bottleneck with a soft n-cuts clustering. They annotate a new dataset for nucleus segmentation in mesoSPIM imaging and train their model on this dataset. They create a napari plugin that provides access to this model and provides additional functionality for training of own models (both supervised and self-supervised), data labeling, and instance segmentation via post-processing of the semantic model predictions. This plugin also provides access to models trained on the contributed dataset in a supervised fashion.


(1) The idea behind the self-supervised learning loss is interesting.

(2) The paper addresses an important challenge. Data annotation is very time-consuming for 3d microscopy data, so a self-supervised method that yields similar results to supervised segmentation would provide massive benefits.


The experiments presented by the authors do not adequately support the claims made in the paper. There are several shortcomings in the design of the experiment and presentation of the results. Further, it is unclear if results of similar quality as reported can be achieved within the GUI by non-expert users.

Major weaknesses:

(1) The main experiments are conducted on the new mesoSPIM dataset, which contains quite small and well separated nuclei. It is unclear if the good performance of the novel self-supervised learning method compared to CellPose and StarDist would hold for dataset with other characteristics, such as larger nuclei with a more complex morphology or crowded nuclei. Further, additional preprocessing of the mesoSPIM images may improve results for StarDist and CellPose (see the first point in minor weaknesses). Note: having a method that works better for small nuclei would be an important contribution. But I am uncertain the claims hold for larger and/or more crowded nuclei as the current version of the paper implies. The contribution of the paper would be stronger if a comparison with StarDist / CellPose was also done on the additional datasets from Figure 2.

(2) The experimental setup for the additional datasets seems to be unrealistic. In general, the description of these experiments is quite short and so the exact strategy is unclear from the text. However, you write the following: "The channel containing the foreground was then thresholded and the Voronoi-Otsu algorithm used to generate instance labels (for Platynereis data), with hyperparameters based on the Dice metric with the ground truth." I.e., the hyperparameters for the post-processing are found based on the ground truth. From the description it is unclear whether this is done a) on the part of the data that is then also used to compute metrics or b) on a separate validation split that is not used to compute metrics. If a): this is not a valid experimental setup and amounts to training on your test set. If b): this is ok from an experimental point of view, but likely still significantly overestimates the quality of predictions that can be achieved by manual tuning of these hyperparameters by a user that is not themselves a developer of this plugin or an absolute expert in classical image analysis, see also 3. Note that the paper provides notebooks to reproduce the experimental results. This is very laudable, but I believe that a more extended description of the experiments in the text would still be very helpful to understand the set-up for the reader. Further, from inspection of these notebooks it becomes clear that hyper-parameters where indeed found on the testset (a), so the results are not valid in the current form.

(3) I cannot obtain similar results to the ones reported in the manuscript using the plugin. I tried to obtain some of the results from the paper qualitatively: First I downloaded one of the volumes from the mesoSPIM dataset (c5image) and applied the WNet3D to it. The prediction looks ok, however the value range is quite narrow (Average BG intensity ~0.4, FG intensity 0.6-0.7). I try to apply the instance segmentation using "Convert to instance labels" from "Utilities". Using "Voronoi-Otsu" does not work due to an error in pyClesperanto ("clGetPlatformIDs failed: PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR"). Segmentation via "Connected Components" and "Watershed" requires extensive manual tuning to get a somewhat decent result, which is still far from perfect.

Then I tried to obtain the results for the Mouse Skull Nuclei Dataset from EmbedSeg. The results look like a denoised version of the input image, not a semantic segmentation. I was skeptical from the beginning that the method would transfer without retraining, due to the very different morphology of nuclei (much larger and elongated). None of the available segmentation methods yield a good result, the best I can achieve is a strong over-segmentation with watersheds.

Minor weaknesses:

(1) CellPose can work better if images are resized so that the median object size in new images matches the training data. For CellPose the cyto2 model should do this automatically. It would be important to report if this was done, and if not would be advisable to check if this can improve results.

(2) It is a bit confusing that F1-Score and Dice Score are used interchangeably to evaluate results. The dice score only evaluates semantic predictions, whereas F1-Score evaluates the actual instance segmentation results. I would advise to only use F1-Score, which is the more appropriate metric. For Figure 1f either the mean F1 score over thresholds or F1 @ 0.5 could be reported. Furthermore, I would advise adopting the recommendations on metric reporting from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-023-01942-8.

(3) A more conceptual limitation is that the (self-supervised) method is limited to intensity-based segmentation, and so will not be able to work for cases where structures cannot be distinguished based on intensity only. It is further unclear how well it can separate crowded nuclei. While some object separation can be achieved by morphological operations this is generally limited for crowded segmentation tasks and the main motivation behind the segmentation objective used in StarDist, CellPose, and other instance segmentation methods. This limitation is only superficially acknowledged in "Note that WNet3D uses brightness to detect objects [...]" but should be discussed in more depth.

Note: this limitation does not mean at all that the underlying contribution is not significant, but I think it is important to address this in more detail so that potential users know where the method is applicable and where it isn't.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation