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    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Ecology

    Secondary metabolites of Hülle cells mediate protection of fungal reproductive and overwintering structures against fungivorous animals

    Li Liu, Christoph Sasse ... Gerhard H Braus
    Xanthones produced by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans protect its sexual structures from predation by arthropods.
    1. Ecology

    A beta-glucosidase of an insect herbivore determines both toxicity and deterrence of a dandelion defense metabolite

    Meret Huber, Thomas Roder ... Matthias Erb
    An insect digestive enzyme metabolizes a plant defense compound and thereby modulates herbivore performance and host plant choice, which in turn may alter plant defense evolution in nature.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Social-like responses are inducible in asocial Mexican cavefish despite the exhibition of strong repetitive behavior

    Motoko Iwashita, Masato Yoshizawa
    A new tracking method revealed the social-like interactions in the Mexican blind cavefish, which was thought to be evolutionarily lost, and also demonstrated its mammal-like antagonistic association between the social-like interaction and repetitive behavior.
    1. Ecology

    Linking spatial self-organization to community assembly and biodiversity

    Bidesh K Bera, Omer Tzuk ... Ehud Meron
    A trait-based model of dryland vegetation uncovers the roles of spatial self-organization in maintaining biodiversity in a changing climate and offers novel ways of managing ecosystems at risk.
    1. Ecology
    2. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Physiology and ecology combine to determine host and vector importance for Ross River virus

    Morgan P Kain, Eloise B Skinner ... Erin A Mordecai
    The role host and vector species play in pathogen transmission cycles is best quantified by integrating species' physiological and ecological competence.
    1. Ecology

    Widespread variation in heat tolerance and symbiont load are associated with growth tradeoffs in the coral Acropora hyacinthus in Palau

    Brendan Cornwell, Katrina Armstrong ... Stephen R Palumbi
    Bleaching-resistant corals are widespread across Palau and concentrated in warmer regions, but this trait is associated with decreased growth which could lead to reduced fitness if it is the only priority of conservation efforts.
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    1. Ecology

    Ecosystem Resilience: Mapping the future for coral reefs

    Line K Bay, Emily J Howells
    The ability of corals to adapt to global warming may involve trade-offs among the traits that influence their success as the foundational species of coral reefs.
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    1. Ecology

    Gaps in global wildlife trade monitoring leave amphibians vulnerable

    Alice C Hughes, Benjamin Michael Marshall, Colin T Strine
    Almost 98% of amphibian species have no regulation on their international trade, yet as 17% (1215 species) are in trade with 45% of individuals coming from the wild, including 445 Endangered/Data Deficient species, this poses a risk to species survival.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    The evolution of strategy in bacterial warfare via the regulation of bacteriocins and antibiotics

    Rene Niehus, Nuno M Oliveira ... Kevin R Foster
    Evolutionary game theory identifies reciprocation as a key winning strategy for warring bacteria.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Niche partitioning facilitates coexistence of closely related honey bee gut bacteria

    Silvia Brochet, Andrew Quinn ... Philipp Engel
    Experiments in gnotobiotic bees and culture tubes can recapitulate gut microbiota coexistence patterns observed in nature.