Browse our latest Neuroscience articles

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    1. Neuroscience

    Combined transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography reveals alterations in cortical excitability during pain

    Nahian Shahmat Chowdhury, Alan KI Chiang ... Siobhan M Schabrun
    Combined TMS-EEG can be used to further elucidate the mechanisms for pain perception and to discover biomarkers for the development of chronic pain.
    1. Neuroscience

    Post-Mating Inhibition of Female Sexual Drive via Heterogeneous Neuronal Ensembles in the Medial Preoptic Area

    Kentaro K Ishii, Koichi Hashikawa ... Garret D. Stuber
    1. Neuroscience

    Separating the control of moving and holding still in post-stroke arm paresis

    Alkis M. Hadjiosif, Kahori Kita ... John W. Krakauer
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural substrates of cold nociception in Drosophila larva

    Atit A. Patel, Albert Cardona, Daniel N. Cox
    1. Neuroscience

    Four Individually Identified Paired Dopamine Neurons Signal Taste Punishment in Larval Drosophila

    Denise Weber, Katrin Vogt ... Andreas S. Thum
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Missense mutations in CRX homeodomain cause dominant retinopathies through two distinct mechanisms

    Yiqiao Zheng, Chi Sun ... Shiming Chen
    The integrated analysis of multi-omics and functional evidence both in vitro and in knock-in mouse models reveal novel gain-of-function pathogenic mechanisms of dominant CRX HD missense mutations.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cue- versus reward-encoding basolateral amygdala projections to nucleus accumbens

    Yi He, Yanhua H Huang ... Yan Dong
    Two distinct projections from the basolateral amygdala to nucleus accumbens differentially contribute to cue- versus reward-mediated behavioral reinforcement.
    1. Neuroscience

    Approach-avoidance reinforcement learning as a translational and computational model of anxiety-related avoidance

    Yumeya Yamamori, Oliver J Robinson, Jonathan P Roiser
    A computational and translational approach to measuring anxiety-related behaviour was validated in two large independent samples, presenting opportunities for cross-species anxiety research and potential implications for anxiolytic drug development.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mesotrode allows chronic simultaneous mesoscale cortical imaging and subcortical or peripheral nerve spiking activity recording in mice

    Dongsheng Xiao, Yuhao Yan, Timothy H Murphy
    Low-profile tetrodes that are compatible with wide-field imaging provide the opportunity to evaluate the relationship between spiking neurons and broad networks.
    1. Neuroscience

    Astrocyte and L-lactate in the anterior cingulate cortex modulate schema memory and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis

    Mastura Akter, Mahadi Hasan ... Ying Li
    Astrocytic Gi pathway activation in the anterior cingulate cortex impairs schema memory and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis, which can be rescued by exogenous L-lactate administration directly into the area.