Maria Cristina Cannarsa, Filippo Liguori ... Roberto Di Leonardo
Introducing the optorepressilator, a synthetic genetic oscillator that can be synchronized, entrained, and detuned by green light to precisely control periodic gene expression in single cells or entire bacterial populations.
Natanael Spisak, Gabriel Athènes ... Aleksandra M Walczak
HILARy is a new algorithm for grouping B-cell receptor sequences into distinct lineages, a crucial task to analyze immune response and memory through repertoire sequencing.
Marcelo A Carignano, Martin Kroeger ... Igal Szleifer
The Self Returning Excluded Volume model is the first heuristic, stochastic chromatin model that reproduce single cell and ensemble based experiments bridging nucleosome and chromosome scales.
Exchange of components between biomolecular condensates and the surrounding dilute phase can be limited by dense-phase mixing, dilute-phase influx, or by the slow incorporation of molecules through the condensate interface.