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    1. Neuroscience

    Rapid cell type-specific nascent proteome labeling in Drosophila

    Stefanny Villalobos-Cantor, Ruth M Barrett ... Ian Martin
    Newly-synthesized protein can be labeled with cellular specificity in Drosophila brain using the puromycin analog PhAc-OPP coupled to expression of the unblocking enzyme PGA in a tissue or cell type of interest.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    High-content synaptic phenotyping in human cellular models reveals a role for BET proteins in synapse assembly

    Martin H Berryer, Gizem Rizki ... Lindy E Barrett
    An automated synaptic phenotyping platform combined with small molecule screening reveals modulators of human neuron synapse formation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Retinal microvascular and neuronal pathologies probed in vivo by adaptive optical two-photon fluorescence microscopy

    Qinrong Zhang, Yuhan Yang ... Na Ji
    A properly designed two-photon fluorescence microscope allows high-resolution visualization of neurons and capillaries in healthy and diseased mouse retinas in vivo, while to visualize subcellular structures, adaptive optics is required to correct the eye-induced optical aberrations.
    1. Plant Biology

    Computational modeling of cambium activity provides a regulatory framework for simulating radial plant growth

    Ivan Lebovka, Bruno Hay Mele ... Thomas Greb
    Radial plant growth produces large parts of terrestrial biomass and can be computationally simulated with the help of an instructive framework of intercellular communication loops.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Lineage-specific differences and regulatory networks governing human chondrocyte development

    Daniel Richard, Steven Pregizer ... April M Craft
    The transcriptomic and epigenetic landscapes of developing human articular and growth plate cartilage reveal putative gene regulatory networks governing lineage commitment and tissue homeostasis.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    High-throughput profiling of sequence recognition by tyrosine kinases and SH2 domains using bacterial peptide display

    Allyson Li, Rashmi Voleti ... Neel H Shah
    A high-throughput method to profile tyrosine kinases and phosphotyrosine recognition domains reveals new rules for sequence specificity and maps the effects of mutations on the recognition of tyrosine phosphorylation sites.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    ProteInfer, deep neural networks for protein functional inference

    Theo Sanderson, Maxwell L Bileschi ... Lucy J Colwell
    A machine learning model predicts the properties of proteins from their amino acid sequences and can run in a user's web browser.
    1. Neuroscience

    THINGS-data, a multimodal collection of large-scale datasets for investigating object representations in human brain and behavior

    Martin N Hebart, Oliver Contier ... Chris I Baker
    THINGS-data reflects three large-scale neuroimaging and behavioral datasets of object processing in humans, comprising densely sampled functional MRI and magnetoencephalographic recordings, as well as 4.70 million similarity judgments in response to thousands of photographic images for up to 1854 objects.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Interrogating the precancerous evolution of pathway dysfunction in lung squamous cell carcinoma using XTABLE

    Matthew Roberts, Julia Ogden ... Carlos Lopez-Garcia
    XTABLE is the first easy-to-use bioinformatic solution that has been conceived and designed solely to interrogate the transcriptomes of premalignant stages of lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) and enhance the development of LUSC prevention and detection strategies.
    1. Cell Biology

    Enhanced single RNA imaging reveals dynamic gene expression in live animals

    Yucen Hu, Jingxiu Xu ... Weirui Ma
    The combination of the MS2 system with the Suntag system as a signal amplifier allows enhanced single-molecule mRNA imaging in live cells and animals.