2,391 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    The involvement of the human prefrontal cortex in the emergence of visual awareness

    Zepeng Fang, Yuanyuan Dang ... Mingsha Zhang
    While minimizing the report-related motor confounding, event-related potential (ERP), high-frequency power, and functional connectivity of the local field potential (LFP) activity in human prefrontal cortex were enhanced under the emergence of visual awareness.
    1. Neuroscience

    Dyslexics’ faster decay of implicit memory for sounds and words is manifested in their shorter neural adaptation

    Sagi Jaffe-Dax, Or Frenkel, Merav Ahissar
    Implicit memory traces for recently encountered perceptual stimuli, including words, decay more quickly in people with dyslexia.
    1. Neuroscience

    A frontal cortex event-related potential driven by the basal forebrain

    David P Nguyen, Shih-Chieh Lin
    Contrary to the common belief that cognitive event-related potentials are generated by local activity within the cerebral cortex, it is shown that some of these potentials are modulated by subcortical inputs.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Epidemiological dynamics of Ebola outbreaks

    Thomas House
    The pattern of past Ebola outbreaks is indicative of an effective reproductive ratio of less than 1, which can lead to the generation of a range of outbreak sizes consistent with the scale of the ongoing epidemic.
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    1. Neuroscience

    Meta-Research: Lessons from a catalogue of 6674 brain recordings

    Alexis DJ Makin, John Tyson-Carr ... Marco Bertamini
    A complete public catalogue of brain recording data from a single laboratory has revealed new scientific findings, and has also shed light on aspects of the scientific process, such as statistical power and publication bias.
    1. Neuroscience

    Separable pupillary signatures of perception and action during perceptual multistability

    Jan W Brascamp, Gilles de Hollander ... Tomas Knapen
    When conscious visual perception changes, the observer's pupils simultaneously signal the accompanying change in visual cortical representation, and specific neuromodulatory activity that helps translate the altered visual experience into behavior.
    1. Neuroscience

    Sigma oscillations protect or reinstate motor memory depending on their temporal coordination with slow waves

    Judith Nicolas, Bradley R King ... Genevieve Albouy
    Sigma oscillations have a dual role in motor memory consolidation depending on their temporal coordination with slow waves during post-learning sleep.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Mesoscale cortex-wide neural dynamics predict self-initiated actions in mice several seconds prior to movement

    Catalin Mitelut, Yongxu Zhang ... Timothy H Murphy
    Mouse self-initiated behaviors can be identified seconds prior to action and have similar neuro-dynamical structure to neural dynamics underlying human voluntary actions supporting the use of mouse models in self-initiated and volitional action research.
    1. Neuroscience

    The rate of transient beta frequency events predicts behavior across tasks and species

    Hyeyoung Shin, Robert Law ... Stephanie R Jones
    Across species, tasks and recording modalities, the rate of transient neocortical beta frequency (15-29Hz) events strongly predicts perceptual ability, providing fundamental mechanistic insight, with implications for tracking and manipulating brain dynamics.
    1. Neuroscience

    A dentate gyrus-CA3 inhibitory circuit promotes evolution of hippocampal-cortical ensembles during memory consolidation

    Hannah Twarkowski, Victor Steininger ... Amar Sahay
    Parvalbumin inhibitory neuron-mediated feed-forward inhibition in dentate gyrus-CA3 circuit governs time-dependent re-organization of memory traces in hippocampal-cortical networks to support systems consolidation.

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