177 results found
    1. Developmental Biology

    Feedback regulation of cytoneme-mediated transport shapes a tissue-specific FGF morphogen gradient

    Lijuan Du, Alex Sohr ... Sougata Roy
    FGF morphogen gradient self-generates a recipient tissue-specific contour by feedback-regulating its cytoneme-mediated dispersion.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Extracellular interactions and ligand degradation shape the nodal morphogen gradient

    Yin Wang, Xi Wang ... Karuna Sampath
    Diffusivity, extracellular interactions of Nodal ligands with the receptors and inhibitors, and selective ligand destruction collectively shape the Nodal morphogen gradient.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Response to Nodal morphogen gradient is determined by the kinetics of target gene induction

    Julien Dubrulle, Benjamin M Jordan ... Alexander F Schier
    A kinetic model of morphogen interpretation is more suitable than classic threshold or ratchet models to understand how a signal gradient generates different target gene expression patterns.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Patterning precision under non-linear morphogen decay and molecular noise

    Jan Andreas Adelmann, Roman Vetter, Dagmar Iber
    Statistical analysis of morphogen gradients indicates that non-linear morphogen decay does not lead to significantly increased patterning precision, and in fact, the opposite is observed far from the source.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Photoreceptors generate neuronal diversity in their target field through a Hedgehog morphogen gradient in Drosophila

    Matthew P Bostock, Anadika R Prasad ... Vilaiwan M Fernandes
    Photoreceptors diversify their target field at long range through a graded signal.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Gradients of glucose metabolism regulate morphogen signalling required for specifying tonotopic organisation in the chicken cochlea

    James DB O'Sullivan, Thomas S Blacker ... Zoe F Mann
    Distinct metabolic states coupled with differing morphogen levels regulate HC morphology along the tonotopic axis of the developing chick auditory organ.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Cost-precision trade-off relation determines the optimal morphogen gradient for accurate biological pattern formation

    Yonghyun Song, Changbong Hyeon
    The morphogen profiles that pattern the fruit fly attain desired levels of spatial precision in a cost-effective manner.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Cytoneme-mediated cell-cell contacts for Hedgehog reception

    Laura González-Méndez, Irene Seijo-Barandiarán, Isabel Guerrero
    Direct interaction between Hedgehog-sending and Hedgehog-receiving cytonemes is a fundamental mechanism for morphogen transfer and gradient establishment.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    A re-inducible gap gene cascade patterns the anterior–posterior axis of insects in a threshold-free fashion

    Alena Boos, Jutta Distler ... Ezzat El-Sherif
    The body axis of insects is divided into different fates using a self-regulatory and threshold-free mechanism.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Dpp from the anterior stripe of cells is crucial for the growth of the Drosophila wing disc

    Shinya Matsuda, Markus Affolter
    A recent report proposing that the dpp stripe (the main source of the protein dpp) is dispensable for Drosophila wing disc growth missed the critical role on growth due to imprecise spatial removal of dpp.
    Short Report Updated
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