145 results found
    1. Cell Biology

    Transcription leads to pervasive replisome instability in bacteria

    Sarah M Mangiameli, Christopher N Merrikh ... Houra Merrikh
    Replication-transcription conflicts cause pervasive replisome instability.
    1. Cell Biology

    WRNIP1 prevents transcription-associated genomic instability

    Pasquale Valenzisi, Veronica Marabitti ... Annapaola Franchitto
    WRNIP1 has been identified as a pivotal factor in preventing the pathological persistence of R-loop-induced transcription-replication conflicts and the accumulation of DNA damage, thereby ensuring genome integrity.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Analysis of the PcrA-RNA polymerase complex reveals a helicase interaction motif and a role for PcrA/UvrD helicase in the suppression of R-loops

    Inigo Urrutia-Irazabal, James R Ault ... Mark S Dillingham
    RNA polymerase recruits the PcrA DNA helicase via a conserved interaction motif in order to remove R-loops and prevent conflicts with replication.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Prevalent and dynamic binding of the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Rad53 to gene promoters

    Yi-Jun Sheu, Risa Karakida Kawaguchi ... Bruce Stillman
    The localization of Rad53 cell cycle checkpoint kinase to many gene promoters and the dynamic changes in response to replication stress suggests that the kinase may coordinate genome stability and gene expression.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    The interplay of RNA:DNA hybrid structure and G-quadruplexes determines the outcome of R-loop-replisome collisions

    Charanya Kumar, Sahil Batra ... Dirk Remus
    Reconstitution of orientation-specific R-loop-replisome collisions with purified proteins reveals the differential impact of R-loop-associated RNA:DNA hybrids and G-quadruplexes on replication fork progression.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Distinct ‘safe zones’ at the nuclear envelope ensure robust replication of heterochromatic chromosome regions

    Hani Ebrahimi, Hirohisa Masuda ... Julia Promisel Cooper
    The nuclear periphery houses compositionally and functionally distinct domains, one of which provides a 'safe zone' for replication and reassembly of heterochromatic genome regions.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Association with TFIIIC limits MYCN localisation in hubs of active promoters and chromatin accumulation of non-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II

    Raphael Vidal, Eoin Leen ... Gabriele Büchel
    MYCN and TFIIIC exert a censoring function during early transcription, limiting the accumulation of inactive RNAPII at the promoter and facilitating promoter-proximal degradation of nascent RNA.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Antiviral function and viral antagonism of the rapidly evolving dynein activating adaptor NINL

    Donté Alexander Stevens, Christopher Beierschmitt ... Matthew D Daugherty
    Evolution-guided functional analyses identify an activating adaptor of the dynein intracellular transportation machinery, NINL, as a novel component of the antiviral immune response and reveal a mechanism by which viruses antagonize NINL function in a species-specific manner.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    KAT2-mediated acetylation switches the mode of PALB2 chromatin association to safeguard genome integrity

    Marjorie Fournier, Amélie Rodrigue ... Fumiko Esashi
    The lysine acetyltransferases KAT2A and KAT2B regulate the dynamic chromatin association of the tumour suppressor protein PALB2, protecting active genes and promoting DNA damage repair in a context-dependent manner.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Translesion polymerase kappa-dependent DNA synthesis underlies replication fork recovery

    Peter Tonzi, Yandong Yin ... Tony T Huang
    Translesion polymerase kappa promotes replication fork restart to maintain genome stability during conditions of nucleotide deprivation.

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