6,483 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct neural contributions to metacognition for detecting, but not discriminating visual stimuli

    Matan Mazor, Karl J Friston, Stephen M Fleming
    Combining psychophysics and functional MRI reveals a qualitative asymmetry in neural engagement when reflecting on whether a stimulus is seen (detection) compared to reflecting on what a stimulus is (discrimination).
    1. Neuroscience

    Decoupling sensory from decisional choice biases in perceptual decision making

    Daniel Linares, David Aguilar-Lleyda, Joan López-Moliner
    Perceptual decision making, even in simple scenarios, is affected by sensory and decisional choice biases.
    1. Neuroscience

    Sources of noise during accumulation of evidence in unrestrained and voluntarily head-restrained rats

    Benjamin B Scott, Christine M Constantinople ... Carlos D Brody
    Statistical analysis of evidence-based decisions reveals new insights into the source of behavioral variability.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Quorums enable optimal pooling of independent judgements in biological systems

    James AR Marshall, Ralf HJM Kurvers ... Max Wolf
    Consideration of signal detection theory shows how decision ecology relates to optimal collective decisions, helping explain the prevalence of quorum-sensing in even the simplest collective systems, such as bacterial communities.
    1. Neuroscience

    Spectral signature and behavioral consequence of spontaneous shifts of pupil-linked arousal in human

    Ella Podvalny, Leana E King, Biyu J He
    Fluctuations of spectral power in large-scale cortical networks shape behavior in a perceptual decision-making task through arousal-linked and arousal-independent mechanisms.
    1. Neuroscience

    Boosts in brain signal variability track liberal shifts in decision bias

    Niels A Kloosterman, Julian Q Kosciessa ... Douglas D Garrett
    Modulation of moment-to-moment irregularity of neural activity closely tracks our ability to flexibly adapt decision biases to the environment.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neural evidence accumulation persists after choice to inform metacognitive judgments

    Peter R Murphy, Ian H Robertson ... Redmond G O'Connell
    Error detection is contingent on the continuation of evidence accumulation after choice commitment, and the speed and accuracy of this process are modulated by high-level signals from medial frontal cortex.
    1. Cell Biology

    Simultaneous recording of multiple cellular signaling events by frequency- and spectrally-tuned multiplexing of fluorescent probes

    Michelina Kierzek, Parker E Deal ... Christoph Brenker
    FASTM is a novel technique that leverages phase-sensitive signal detection for time-resolved multiplexing of probes with millisecond time resolution, opening new opportunities for interrogating rapid cellular signaling and (bio)chemical reactions.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Monochromatic multicomponent fluorescence sedimentation velocity for the study of high-affinity protein interactions

    Huaying Zhao, Yan Fu ... Peter Schuck
    Fluorescence detected sedimentation velocity offers a new method for studying heterogeneous protein interactions in solution by exploiting characteristic temporal signal modulations of photoswitchable fluorescent proteins.
    1. Cell Biology

    Detection of TurboID fusion proteins by fluorescent streptavidin outcompetes antibody signals and visualises targets not accessible to antibodies

    Johanna Odenwald, Bernardo Gabiatti ... Susanne Kramer
    Proteins that are low abundant and/or poorly accessible to antibodies can be readily localised with fluorescent streptavidin, when expressed fused to a biotin ligase.

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