1,612 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Structure and function of the Smoothened extracellular domain in vertebrate Hedgehog signaling

    Sigrid Nachtergaele, Daniel M Whalen ... Rajat Rohatgi
    A cysteine-rich domain within the Smoothened receptor may represent a novel therapeutic target for cancers caused by abnormal functioning of the Hedgehog signaling pathway.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Cholesterol activates the G-protein coupled receptor Smoothened to promote Hedgehog signaling

    Giovanni Luchetti, Ria Sircar ... Rajat Rohatgi
    Cholesterol regulates cell-cell communication by activating the Hedgehog pathway, a central signaling system in development, regeneration and cancer.
    1. Developmental Biology

    High hedgehog signaling is transduced by a multikinase-dependent switch controlling the apico-basal distribution of the GPCR smoothened

    Marina Gonçalves Antunes, Matthieu Sanial ... Isabelle Becam
    Hedgehog leads to Smoothened accumulation by favoring its recycling and high Hedgehog levels promote a basolateral enrichment of Smoothened via its phosphorylation by the protein kinase Fused.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Patched1 and Patched2 inhibit Smoothened non-cell autonomously

    Brock Roberts, Catalina Casillas ... Henk Roelink
    Ptch1/2 can lower the sensitivity of Smo to activation by Shh via the secretion of a sterol precursor.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Cholesterol accessibility at the ciliary membrane controls hedgehog signaling

    Maia Kinnebrew, Ellen J Iverson ... Rajat Rohatgi
    The patched hedgehog receptor inhibits the transmembrane transducer smoothened by reducing the accessibility of cholesterol locally at the membrane of the primary cilium.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Near-atomic structures of the BBSome reveal the basis for BBSome activation and binding to GPCR cargoes

    Shuang Yang, Kriti Bahl ... Maxence V Nachury
    Membrane recruitment of BBSome is coupled to a conformational change, and interaction of the BBSome with GPCR cargoes depends on the GPCRs releasing their amphipathic helix 8 from the membrane.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Patched 1 reduces the accessibility of cholesterol in the outer leaflet of membranes

    Maia Kinnebrew, Giovanni Luchetti ... Rajat Rohatgi
    Cholesterol accessibility in the plasma membrane can be controlled by proteins and function as a signaling messenger in cell-cell communication pathways.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Hedgehog signaling is a potent regulator of liver lipid metabolism and reveals a GLI-code associated with steatosis

    Madlen Matz-Soja, Christiane Rennert ... Rolf Gebhardt
    The Hedgehog signalling pathway is a master regulator of lipid metabolic processes and their zonation in the adult liver of mice and humans.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Non-canonical Hedgehog signaling regulates spinal cord and muscle regeneration in Xenopus laevis larvae

    Andrew M Hamilton, Olga A Balashova, Laura N Borodinsky
    Unlike in early embryonic development, injured spinal cord and muscle in Xenopus laevis larvae recruit non-canonical Hedgehog signaling essential for their regeneration, while repressing Gli transcriptional activity.

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