2,978 results found
    1. Medicine

    Osteoblast-intrinsic defect in glucose metabolism impairs bone formation in type II diabetic male mice

    Fangfang Song, Won Dong Lee ... Fanxin Long
    Osteoblast glucose metabolism is impaired in a mouse model for type II diabetes and can be boosted pharmacologically or genetically to alleviate diabetic osteopenia.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Atomic structures of fibrillar segments of hIAPP suggest tightly mated β-sheets are important for cytotoxicity

    Pascal Krotee, Jose A Rodriguez ... David S Eisenberg
    Atomic structures of hIAPP fibrillar segments, determined using the cryo electron microscopy method MicroED, reveal that strong, stable intermolecular interactions are important features of cytotoxic amyloid proteins.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Medicine

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus accelerates brain aging and cognitive decline: Complementary findings from UK Biobank and meta-analyses

    Botond Antal, Liam P McMahon ... Lilianne R Mujica-Parodi
    Patients with Type 2 diabetes show patterns of neurodegeneration consistent with accelerated brain aging, including impaired cognition and loss of brain volume, which are more severe in those with increased disease duration.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Comment on 'AIRE-deficient patients harbor unique high-affinity disease-ameliorating autoantibodies'

    Nils Landegren, Lindsey B Rosen ... Olle Kämpe
    We are writing to comment on the study by Meyer et al., 2016 on disease-ameliorating autoantibodies.
    1. Cell Biology

    Distinct insulin granule subpopulations implicated in the secretory pathology of diabetes types 1 and 2

    Alex J B Kreutzberger, Volker Kiessling ... Lukas K Tamm
    Insulin secreting cells harbor distinct subpopulations of insulin granules and loss of one or the other correlates strongly with secretory deficiencies characterizing type-1 or type-2 diabetes.
    1. Cell Biology

    The SWELL1-LRRC8 complex regulates endothelial AKT-eNOS signaling and vascular function

    Ahmad F Alghanem, Javier Abello ... Rajan Sah
    SWELL1 is required for basal, stretch, and flow-mediated endothelial AKT-eNOS signaling in vitro and protects against angiotensin-induced hypertension and diabetes-associated vascular dysfunction in vivo.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    The Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor PDZ-RhoGEF governs susceptibility to diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes

    Ying-Ju Chang, Scott Pownall ... Vuk Stambolic
    PDZ-RhoGEF controls adipose tissue abundance and whole body metabolism.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Reversal of β cell de-differentiation by a small molecule inhibitor of the TGFβ pathway

    Barak Blum, Adam N Roose ... Douglas A Melton
    Loss of mature β cell identity in diabetes can be prevented and rescued by small molecule inhibitors of the TGFβ pathway.
    1. Cell Biology

    Bid maintains mitochondrial cristae structure and function and protects against cardiac disease in an integrative genomics study

    Christi T Salisbury-Ruf, Clinton C Bertram ... Sandra S Zinkel
    An integrative approach, combining genetic mouse and large-scale human genetics studies, was used to reveal a novel role for the Bcl-2 protein Bid in maintenance of mitochondrial function that alters susceptibility to myocardial infarction.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Blockade of glucagon signaling prevents or reverses diabetes onset only if residual β-cells persist

    Nicolas Damond, Fabrizio Thorel ... Pedro L Herrera
    Contrary to previous reports, a complete absence of glucagon signaling is not sufficient to prevent diabetes after near-total β-cell loss.

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