Thousands of "noncoding" RNAs, 5' "untranslated" regions, and pseudogenes in humans are actually translated, and some of these are likely to express functional proteins.
The RNA-binding protein PTBP1 is recruited to sites near stop codons in retroviral and human mRNAs, shielding them from detection and degradation by the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway.
Patrick J O'Hern, Inês do Carmo G. Gonçalves ... Anne C Hart
In invertebrate and vertebrate models of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, diminished SMN protein causes Gemin3-dependent decreases in microRNA function, leading to upregulated M2 muscarinic receptor and deleterious consequences.
RIM binding UNC-13L C2A domain releases UNC-13L from an autoinhibitory homodimeric complex to become fusion-competent, and regulates probability of synaptic vesicle release in the post-priming process.
Saravanapriah Nadarajan, Talley J Lambert ... Monica P Colaiácovo
PLK-1/2-mediated SYP-4 phosphorylation is dependent on crossover precursor formation, triggering a switch in the dynamic state of the synaptonemal complex that reduces the formation of further double-strand breaks at late meiotic prophase.
Kenji Sugioka, Danielle R Hamill ... Bruce Bowerman
A genetic screen and live cell imaging show that a newly identified coiled-coil protein called SAS-7 is the earliest acting factor in centriole assembly yet identified in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans.
Saravanapriah Nadarajan, Firaz Mohideen ... Monica P Colaiacovo
Coordination between crossover designation and synaptonemal complex disassembly is executed via a conserved MAP kinase pathway and is critical for accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis.