28 results found
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The enteric pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum exports proteins into the cytosol of the infected host cell

    Jennifer E Dumaine, Adam Sateriale ... Boris Striepen
    Following initial invasion events, intracellular life stages of C. parvum rely upon an N-terminal host-targeting motif and proteolytic processing at a specific leucine residue to deliver proteins into the infected enterocyte.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Chromerid genomes reveal the evolutionary path from photosynthetic algae to obligate intracellular parasites

    Yong H Woo, Hifzur Ansari ... Arnab Pain
    Analysis of chromerid algal genomes reveals how apicomplexans have evolved from free-living algae into successful eukaryotic parasites via massive losses and re-inventing functional roles of genes.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Enteropathogen antibody dynamics and force of infection among children in low-resource settings

    Benjamin F Arnold, Diana L Martin ... Jeffrey W Priest
    Among children in low-resource settings, diverse enteropathogens share common, population-level antibody dynamics, which creates a new opportunity to estimate transmission through serologic surveillance.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    An atomic-resolution view of neofunctionalization in the evolution of apicomplexan lactate dehydrogenases

    Jeffrey I Boucher, Joseph R Jacobowitz ... Douglas L Theobald
    The convergent evolution of unusually strict substrate specificity in apicomplexan LDHs arose by classic neofunctionalization of a duplicated MDH gene via few mutations of large effect.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The Toxoplasma monocarboxylate transporters are involved in the metabolism within the apicoplast and are linked to parasite survival

    Hui Dong, Jiong Yang ... Shaojun Long
    Combined cutting-edge technologies discovered a pair of carboxylate transporters that appears evolutionarily different among novel transporters and that is essential for parasite physiology.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Toxoplasma TgATG9 is critical for autophagy and long-term persistence in tissue cysts

    David Smith, Geetha Kannan ... Vern B Carruthers
    ATG9-dependent autophagy is an essential pathway for long-term survival within the cyst in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii and could be exploited in future studies seeking interventions against persistent Toxoplasma infection.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Apicomplexan-like parasites are polyphyletic and widely but selectively dependent on cryptic plastid organelles

    Jan Janouškovec, Gita G Paskerova ... Timur G Simdyanov
    Apicomplexan-like parasites originated several times independently and many of them contain cryptic plastid organelles, which demonstrate that the parasites evolved from photosynthetic algae.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Essential function of the alveolin network in the subpellicular microtubules and conoid assembly in Toxoplasma gondii

    Nicolò Tosetti, Nicolas Dos Santos Pacheco ... Dominique Soldati-Favre
    A combination of high-resolution microscopy and reverse genetics identified key components of the alveolin network playing an essential role in the assembly of subpellicular microtubules and conoid in Toxoplasma gondii..
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Medicine

    Effects of an urban sanitation intervention on childhood enteric infection and diarrhea in Maputo, Mozambique: A controlled before-and-after trial

    Jackie Knee, Trent Sumner ... Joe Brown
    Onsite sanitation maybe insufficient to interrupt transmission of enteric infections in high-burden urban settings, though risk of some infections may be reduced among children protected from birth.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Identification of cryptic subunits from an apicomplexan ATP synthase

    Diego Huet, Esther Rajendran ... Sebastian Lourido
    A phylum-specific ATP synthase subunit is needed for proper mitochondrial function and stability of the complex in Toxoplasma gondii.

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