Gender gaps in academic achievement are in fact "parenthood gender gaps", with mothers experiencing higher levels of work-family conflict, and receiving lower levels of partner support, than fathers.
W Marcus Lambert, Martin T Wells ... Linnie M Golightly
Mentorship, financial security and a positive sense of self-worth increase the likelihood that underrepresented minority and female postdocs will pursue a career in academia.
An analysis of the career and publication outcomes for 2284 early career researchers trained at EMBL provides insights into the evolving career landscape for life scientists.
Sean C McConnell, Erica L Westerman ... Nancy B Schwartz
The quality of mentoring received while a postdoc influences career choice irrespective of field, gender, or ethnicity, according to a 7,603-respondent postdoc survey.
Emil Bargmann Madsen, Mathias Wullum Nielsen ... Jens Peter Andersen
The gender gap in publication productivity has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, with potential implications for the careers of women working in research.
Nicholas LaBerge, Kenneth Hunter Wapman ... Daniel B Larremore
Achieving gender parity among U.S. tenured and tenure-track faculty will require changes to hiring, which has substantially greater impacts on faculty gender representation than gendered differences in attrition rates.
Acknowledging the often underappreciated contributions Black and other marginalized scholars make to academia can help us build a more inclusive culture.
Katherine Christian, Carolyn Johnstone ... Michael R Doran
Job insecurity is putting stress on early-career researchers in Australia, compromising their career development and potentially reducing the quality of research.
Iago de Castro Silva, Anna Bianchi ... Jashodeep Datta
A neutrophil-CAF-tumor cell IL-1β/IL-6/STAT-3 signaling axis in the pancreatic tumor microenvironment underlies the association between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio dynamics and pathologic response in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma undergoing neoadjuvant therapy.