Kira M Düsterwald, Christopher B Currin ... Joseph V Raimondo
Mathematical models with experimental validation show that chloride transporters in the cell membrane, and not negatively charged impermeant molecules, generate the driving force used by GABA receptors to silence neurons.
Tammy MK Cheng, Sebastian Heeger ... Frank Uhlmann
A computational model of a yeast chromosome, based on first principles, recapitulates in vivo chromosome behavior, and thus provides unprecedented insight into what the inside of a chromosome is likely to look like.
Computational modeling suggests that the BLA is capable of producing the recorded LFP rhythms via interactions of interneuron subtypes, and that those rhythms may be necessary for associative learning.
Ryan S Phillips, Hidehiko Koizumi ... Jeffrey C Smith
The predictive power of a computational model advances understanding of the neuronal and circuit biophysical mechanisms that generate the respiratory rhythm and neural activity patterns in the mammalian brainstem.
Computational modeling motivated by recent experiments clarifies biophysical mechanisms generating the rhythm and amplitude of breathing at the level of neurons and brain circuits in mammals.
Vincent Fontanier, Matthieu Sarazin ... Emmanuel Procyk
Single unit recordings in monkeys and biophysical modelling demonstrate that local inhibitory-controlled metastable neural states specify the temporal organization of cognitive functions in frontal areas.
Mechanical competition is controlled by biophysical parameters that regulate cellular homeostatic density, while biochemical competition is regulated by parameters that influence the organisation of cells in a tissue.
Diverse muscle spindle firing, critical for a range of sensorimotor behaviors, is compactly explained by first principles of force development in specialized muscle fibers within the sensors.
The conductance-based encoding model creates a new bridge between statistical models and biophysical models of neurons, and infers visually-evoked excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances from spike trains in macaque retina.