784 results found
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Barcoded bulk QTL mapping reveals highly polygenic and epistatic architecture of complex traits in yeast

    Alex N Nguyen Ba, Katherine R Lawrence ... Michael M Desai
    A bulk barcoded quantitative trait locus approach increases the power and resolution of genotype-phenotype mapping in yeast, revealing that the genetic architecture of 18 complex traits is highly polygenic, and is characterized by widespread epistatic interactions and pleiotropic effects.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Epistasis facilitates functional evolution in an ancient transcription factor

    Brian PH Metzger, Yeonwoo Park ... Joseph W Thornton
    A complete mutational scan of a protein-DNA interface shows that pairwise epistatic interactions among amino acids determine a transcription factor's specificity for DNA and facilitate the evolution of new functions.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Extreme positive epistasis for fitness in monosomic yeast strains

    Hanna Tutaj, Katarzyna Tomala ... Ryszard Korona
    Monosomy in yeast results in numerous gene dosage insufficiencies with potentially lethal collective effect, but strong positive epistasis rooted in the modular structure of cell metabolism cancels it.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Divergent folding-mediated epistasis among unstable membrane protein variants

    Laura M Chamness, Charles P Kuntz ... Jonathan P Schlebach
    Many of the synergistic interactions between mutations are modified in the context of unstable proteins in a manner that depends on how the variants promote misfolding in the cell.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Intermolecular epistasis shaped the function and evolution of an ancient transcription factor and its DNA binding sites

    Dave W Anderson, Alesia N McKeown, Joseph W Thornton
    Experimental mapping of the joint sequence space of an ancient transcription factor (TF) and its DNA binding sites reveals that epistasis across the molecular interface permitted the evolution of a new and specific TF-DNA complex.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Global epistasis emerges from a generic model of a complex trait

    Gautam Reddy, Michael M Desai
    Predictable patterns of fitness evolution observed in microbial evolution experiments can emerge generically as a consequence of widespread epistatic interactions between mutations.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Epistasis and entrenchment of drug resistance in HIV-1 subtype B

    Avik Biswas, Allan Haldane ... Ronald M Levy
    Drug resistance in HIV is the result of mutations, which affect fitness depending on epistatic interactions with the entire sequence background that varies within and between patient populations.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    On the mechanistic nature of epistasis in a canonical cis-regulatory element

    Mato Lagator, Tiago Paixão ... Călin C Guet
    Thermodynamic framework accurately predicts the sign of epistasis and its environment dependence for a canonical cis-regulatory element.
    1. Plant Biology

    Combining growth-promoting genes leads to positive epistasis in Arabidopsis thaliana

    Hannes Vanhaeren, Nathalie Gonzalez ... Dirk Inzé
    Pairwise combinations of growth-promoting genes regulating distinct cellular mechanisms lead to synergistic effects on leaf growth, and hence greatly increased leaf size.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Genetic interactions affecting human gene expression identified by variance association mapping

    Andrew Anand Brown, Alfonso Buil ... Richard Durbin
    Multiple replicated examples of epistasis affecting gene expression in humans are identified, some explaining a substantial proportion of the variation in expression.

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