While monitoring neuronal activity in freely moving Drosophila is challenging, HI-FISH enables brain-wide mapping of active neurons and reveals behavior-specific neural activity.
Consolidation of long-term courtship memory in Drosophila is mediated by a novel class of sleep promoting neurons that reactivates dopaminergic neurons engaged earlier in memory acquisition during post-learning sleep.
Sean R Cuddy, Austin R Schinlever ... Anna R Cliffe
Herpes simplex virus reactivates from a latent infection when neurons become hyperexcitable in response to an inflammatory cytokine known to be released during fever and stress.
Tanja Fuchsberger, Claudia Clopath ... Ole Paulsen
Neuronal reactivation during dopamine modulation induces input-specific LTP at previously primed hippocampal synapses, suggesting a possible solution to the credit assignment problem and a mechanism for memory linking.
Martin Larhammar, Sarah Huntwork-Rodriguez ... Trent A Watkins
Two seemingly distinct cellular stress response pathways that contribute to neurodegeneration after axonal insults are now revealed to be under the control of a single master regulator of the neuronal injury response, the kinase DLK.
Mouse brain neurons response to transcranial ultrasound at the energy level of 5 mW/cm2 and repeated stimulations lead to neurogenesis while ASIC1a is required both in vitro and in vivo as one of the mechanoreceptors.
Neuronal activity in the striatum keeps track of elapsed time during the time production task while that in the cerebellum correlates with stochastic variation of self-timing in the range of several hundreds of milliseconds.
Reto B Cola, Diana M Roccaro-Waldmeyer ... Marco R Celio
Foxb1-expressing hypothalamic neurons in the parvafox nucleus and the dorsal premammillary nucleus both contribute to behavioral and physiological components associated with defensive behavior.
Iliana E Bray, Stephen E Clarke ... Paul Nuyujukian
Neuronal loss can be studied by passing electrical current through the same electrodes used for neuron measurement without disrupting recording ability.