6,314 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Synergistic phase separation of two pathways promotes integrin clustering and nascent adhesion formation

    Lindsay B Case, Milagros De Pasquale ... Michael K Rosen
    Biochemical and cell biological data suggest a model of nascent integrin adhesion complex formation based on synergistic phase separation of pathways surrounding the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and the adaptor protein p130Cas.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    DNA-Stimulated Liquid-Liquid phase separation by eukaryotic topoisomerase ii modulates catalytic function

    Joshua Jeong, Joyce H Lee ... James M Berger
    The ability of eukaryotic topoisomerase IIs to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation is a novel process for this class of enzymes and may provide answers to many unexplained observations found in both in vitro and in vivo studies.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Mesoscale phase separation of chromatin in the nucleus

    Gaurav Bajpai, Daria Amiad Pavlov ... Samuel Safran
    Computer simulations show transitions between novel types of chromatin organization (peripheral, central, conventional) depending on chromatin interactions with itself, the lamin and nuclear hydration, measured in recent experiments.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Phosphorylation, disorder, and phase separation govern the behavior of Frequency in the fungal circadian clock

    Daniyal Tariq, Nicole Maurici ... Brian R Crane
    The intrinsic disorder of the circadian clock protein Frequency organizes binding partners, facilitates liquid–liquid phase separation, modulates Frequency phosphorylation, and derives from sequence properties conserved with homologous clock components.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Pi-Pi contacts are an overlooked protein feature relevant to phase separation

    Robert McCoy Vernon, Paul Andrew Chong ... Julie Deborah Forman-Kay
    Statistics on the frequencies of pi interactions in folded protein structures enable successful prediction of intrinsically disordered protein phase separation, with clear implications for a physical understanding of cellular organization.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Peptides that Mimic RS repeats modulate phase separation of SRSF1, revealing a reliance on combined stacking and electrostatic interactions

    Talia Fargason, Naiduwadura Ivon Upekala De Silva ... Jun Zhang
    Short peptides that mimic the regions responsible for phase separation can be used to solubilize phase-separating proteins in their native states and to determine the mechanism of phase separation.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Molecular determinants of phase separation for Drosophila DNA replication licensing factors

    Matthew W Parker, Jonchee A Kao ... Michael R Botchan
    The intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of metazoan DNA replication licensing factors phase separate through synergistic electrostatic DNA-IDR and hydrophobic inter-IDR interactions.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Decoding the physical principles of two-component biomolecular phase separation

    Yaojun Zhang, Bin Xu ... Ned S Wingreen
    Phase separation of two-component multivalent systems is suppressed at rational polymer stoichiometries, suggesting possible cellular strategies for regulating the formation and function of biomolecular condensates.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    A lipid bound actin meshwork organizes liquid phase separation in model membranes

    Alf Honigmann, Sina Sadeghi ... Richard Vink
    A combination of imaging experiments and computer simulations on a model lipid membrane integrate the 'picket fence' and 'raft' models, and suggest that the interplay between actin binding, lipid phase separation and curvature compartmentalize the membrane.
    1. Neuroscience

    Phase separation of competing memories along the human hippocampal theta rhythm

    Casper Kerrén, Sander van Bree ... Maria Wimber
    The human brain uses a phase code to temporally segregate overlapping, competing memories along the phase cycle of the theta rhythm.

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