125 results found
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Transient protein accumulation at the center of the T cell antigen-presenting cell interface drives efficient IL-2 secretion

    Danielle J Clark, Laura E McMillan ... Christoph Wülfing
    A membrane-associated, supramolecular protein complex with dynamically changing components, the central supramolecular activation cluster, regulates the generation of the T cell effector cytokine IL-2 depending on its composition.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Coupling chemosensory array formation and localization

    Alejandra Alvarado, Andreas Kjær ... Simon Ringgaard
    Formation and cell pole-localization of chemotactic signaling-arrays is a coupled process mediated by ParP, which drives localized array-assembly and regulates the localization-dynamics of its network constituents.
    1. Cell Biology

    Modular UBE2H-CTLH E2-E3 complexes regulate erythroid maturation

    Dawafuti Sherpa, Judith Mueller ... Arno F Alpi
    Erythroid maturation-dependent remodelling of CTLH E3 complex, along with its cognate E2, controls the orderly progression of human erythropoiesis, thus establishing a paradigm for other E2-E3 ubiquitylation modules involved in developmental processes.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Dynamic subcellular localization of a respiratory complex controls bacterial respiration

    François Alberge, Leon Espinosa ... Axel Magalon
    The localization of respiratory complexes in the cell membrane emerges as a critical factor for controlling respiration in bacteria.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Determinants shaping the nanoscale architecture of the mouse rod outer segment

    Matthias Pöge, Julia Mahamid ... Wolfgang Baumeister
    Cryo-electron tomography of close-to-native rod outer segments resolves connectors between disks and a scaffold at the disk rim enforcing the high membrane curvature of the unique long-range organization in these rhodopsin-rich light-sensitive subcellular organelles.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Decoding WW domain tandem-mediated target recognitions in tissue growth and cell polarity

    Zhijie Lin, Zhou Yang ... Mingjie Zhang
    A systematic and quantitative investigation showing how highly specific WW domain-mediated protein-protein interaction network is organized in cell growth and polarity.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Assembly status transition offers an avenue for activity modulation of a supramolecular enzyme

    Yao Chen, Weiya Xu ... Chengdong Huang
    Mechanistic studies of glutamine synthetase reveals how the complex quaternary structure organizations of a supramolecular enzyme provides a platform necessary for intricate activity regulation machinery to take place.
    1. Cell Biology

    Genome-wide CRISPRi screening identifies OCIAD1 as a prohibitin client and regulatory determinant of mitochondrial Complex III assembly in human cells

    Maxence Le Vasseur, Jonathan Friedman ... Jodi Nunnari
    OCIAD1 associates with prohibitin assemblies and regulates the proteolytic processing and stability of the catalytical Complex III subunit cytochrome c1.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Small-molecule inhibitors identify the RAD52-ssDNA interaction as critical for recovery from replication stress and for survival of BRCA2 deficient cells

    Sarah R Hengel, Eva Malacaria ... Maria Spies
    Small molecule inhibitors identified in a biophysical high-throughout screening assay confirm the importance of the interaction between single-stranded DNA and the protein RAD52 for the survival of BRCA2-depleted cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Arp2/3 complex-driven spatial patterning of the BCR enhances immune synapse formation, BCR signaling and B cell activation

    Madison Bolger-Munro, Kate Choi ... Michael R Gold
    Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization shapes how B lymphocytes probe the surface of antigen-presenting cells, promotes coalescence of B cell receptor (BCR) microclusters, amplifies BCR signaling, and enhances B cell activation.

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