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    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Heparan sulfate-dependent phase separation of CCL5 and its chemotactic activity

    Xiaolin Yu, Guangfei Duan ... Shi-Zhong Luo
    A biochemical approach shows co-phase separation of CCL5 with heparan sulfate establishes a specific chemokine concentration gradient for chemotactic activity.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Fitness landscape of substrate-adaptive mutations in evolved amino acid-polyamine-organocation transporters

    Foteini Karapanagioti, Úlfur Águst Atlason ... Sebastian Obermaier
    Secondary active transporters can evolve to accommodate a broader range of substrates without losing their original substrate specificities.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Mapping the molecular motions of 5-HT3 serotonin-gated channel by voltage-clamp fluorometry

    Laurie Peverini, Sophie Shi ... Pierre-Jean Corringer
    Conformational motions elicited by antagonists, partial agonists, and agonists in serotonin-gated ion channels 5-HT3AR progressively spread from the extracellular to the transmembrane domain.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Identification of a third myosin-5a-melanophilin interaction that mediates the association of myosin-5a with melanosomes

    Jiabin Pan, Rui Zhou ... Xiang-dong Li
    In addition to the exon-F-binding domain and the globular tail domain-binding motif, the actin-binding domain of melanophilin interacts with myosin-5a tail region and mediates the association of myosin-5a with melanosomes.