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    1. Ecology

    Bleaching causes loss of disease resistance within the threatened coral species Acropora cervicornis

    Erinn M Muller, Erich Bartels, Iliana B Baums
    Standing genetic variation for disease resistance may be continuously lost during recurring warm water episodes because of widespread susceptibility of disease-resistant genotypes to bleaching and the independence between these two traits.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Convergence between the microcosms of Southeast Asian and North American pitcher plants

    Leonora S Bittleston, Charles J Wolock ... Anne Pringle
    Host characteristics drive the assembly of similar communities within the convergently evolved and geographically distant pitcher ecosystems of carnivorous pitcher plants.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Ecology

    Trade-off shapes diversity in eco-evolutionary dynamics

    Farnoush Farahpour, Mohammadkarim Saeedghalati ... Daniel Hoffmann
    In a minimalistic, generic model of competitive communities in which evolution is constrained by life-history trade-offs, stable biodiversity emerges with species adapted to different functional niches.
    1. Ecology
    2. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Temperature explains broad patterns of Ross River virus transmission

    Marta Strecker Shocket, Sadie J Ryan, Erin A Mordecai
    Accounting for nonlinear responses to temperature is critical for accurately predicting how Ross River virus and other mosquito-borne diseases will respond to climate change and detecting the effects of temperature on disease transmission.
    1. Ecology
    2. Plant Biology

    Cytokinin transfer by a free-living mirid to Nicotiana attenuata recapitulates a strategy of endophytic insects

    Christoph Brütting, Cristina Maria Crava ... Ian T Baldwin
    Cytokinin-dependent manipulation of plant metabolism is a strategy employed not only by gallers and leaf-miners but also by a free-living insect, Tupiocoris notatus, which directly transfers cytokinins at feeding sites to manipulate its host plant.
    1. Ecology

    A SLC4 family bicarbonate transporter is critical for intracellular pH regulation and biomineralization in sea urchin embryos

    Marian Y Hu, Jia-Jiun Yan ... Meike Stumpp
    Cellular carbon accumulation systems are a fundamental prerequisite for biomineralization to stabilize pH and to supply inorganic carbon for CaCO3 precipitation under changing environmental conditions.
    1. Ecology

    Increasing plant diversity with border crops reduces insecticide use and increases crop yield in urban agriculture

    Nian-Feng Wan, You-Ming Cai ... Bo Li
    Plant diversification can make an important contribution to ecological intensification and the sustainable use of associated ecosystem services in an urban ecosystem.
    1. Ecology

    First bone-cracking dog coprolites provide new insight into bone consumption in Borophagus and their unique ecological niche

    Xiaoming Wang, Stuart C White ... Z Jack Tseng
    Fossilized feces (coprolites) of extinct bone-crushing dogs, Borophagus parvus, from late Miocene (6 million years ago) of California demonstrates consumption and preservation of bones in digestive tracts and potential social hunting behavior by these predators.
    1. Ecology
    2. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Ecological multiplex interactions determine the role of species for parasite spread amplification

    Massimo Stella, Sanja Selakovic ... Cecilia S Andreazzi
    Predators may amplify multiple-host parasite spreading in systems with multiple transmission routes.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    CRISPR-based herd immunity can limit phage epidemics in bacterial populations

    Pavel Payne, Lukas Geyrhofer ... Jonathan P Bollback
    Bacteria can exhibit herd immunity protection against phages, which may play a significant role in their ecology and evolution.