Qian Li, Yaw Tachie-Baffour ... Stephen D Liberles
Fish trace amine-associated receptors evolved a novel structural motif that enables the detection of chemically diverse amine odors in a non-canonical 'inverted' orientation.
Deletion of one gene can lead to inactivation of other genes which restore a perturbed cellular function but change the epistatic interactions and the dynamics of the responsible module.
A new method of protein structure prediction that incorporates residue–residue co-evolution information into the Rosetta structure prediction program was used to develop models for 58 large protein families that had no previous structural information.
Finch embryos are laid at an earlier stage than other avian embryos and contain cells with similar properties to pluripotent embryonic stem cells from mice.
Miriam Kaltenbach, Colin J Jackson ... Nobuhiko Tokuriki
Enzyme evolution is reversible on a structural and functional (phenotypic) level, but through a different mutational pathway that leads to genotypic incompatibility with the ancestor.
A new hominin species has been unearthed in the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system in the largest assemblage of a single species of hominins yet discovered in Africa.