Orthologous proteins that continuously maintain the same molecular function do not usually diverge beyond a certain level of sequence and structural similarity.
The genomic architecture of allopatric species is a mosaic of many conserved genes and a few adaptive ones, reflecting balance between conservation of ancestral functions and evolution of new features.
Analysis of bearded dragon model reveals a novel tooth replacement strategy that demonstrates the critical importance of epithelial patterning, cell migration, and putative stem cell functional specialization in tissue regeneration.
After insemination, honeybee queens experience a rapid reduction in vision and flight performance, consistent with an ongoing sexual conflict over the number of mating flights that queens embark on.
Jan Janouškovec, Gita G Paskerova ... Timur G Simdyanov
Apicomplexan-like parasites originated several times independently and many of them contain cryptic plastid organelles, which demonstrate that the parasites evolved from photosynthetic algae.