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    1. Neuroscience

    New genetic tools for mushroom body output neurons in Drosophila

    Gerald M Rubin, Yoshinori Aso
    Improved cell-type-specific genetic drivers for the study of learning and memory and other complex behaviors in Drosophila are provided and validated.
    1. Neuroscience

    Involvement of superior colliculus in complex figure detection of mice

    J Leonie Cazemier, Robin Haak ... J Alexander Heimel
    Mouse superior colliculus is involved in figure detection based on differences in contrast and texture orientation and phase.
    1. Neuroscience

    A system of feed-forward cerebellar circuits that extend and diversify sensory signaling

    Harsh N Hariani, A Brynn Algstam ... Timothy S Balmer
    Unipolar brush cells subtypes, classified by their excitatory or inhibitory response to glutamate, form circuits with one another that may enhance the capacity of the cerebellum to transform input signals.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Exploring the K+ binding site and its coupling to transport in the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter LeuT

    Solveig G Schmidt, Andreas Nygaard ... Claus J Loland
    Potassium presumably binds to the Na1 site in LeuT, playing a role in inwardly rectifying the transport of substrates.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cell type-specific connectome predicts distributed working memory activity in the mouse brain

    Xingyu Ding, Sean Froudist-Walsh ... Xiao-Jing Wang
    Large-scale modeling of the mouse brain revealed that working memory is modular and determined by long-range cell type-specific connections, thereby providing a framework to interpret brain-wide recordings during cognition.
    1. Neuroscience

    The involvement of the human prefrontal cortex in the emergence of visual awareness

    Zepeng Fang, Yuanyuan Dang ... Mingsha Zhang
    While minimizing the report-related motor confounding, event-related potential (ERP), high-frequency power, and functional connectivity of the local field potential (LFP) activity in human prefrontal cortex were enhanced under the emergence of visual awareness.
    1. Neuroscience

    Passive exposure to task-relevant stimuli enhances categorization learning

    Christian Schmid, Muhammad Haziq ... Santiago Jaramillo
    Mice learn a categorization task faster when exposed to task-relevant stimuli outside training, supporting neural-network models in which unsupervised learning first captures the statistical structure of inputs before classifying them.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    The gene expression landscape of the human locus coeruleus revealed by single-nucleus and spatially-resolved transcriptomics

    Lukas M Weber, Heena R Divecha ... Stephanie C Hicks
    Spatially-resolved transcriptomics and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing are applied to the human locus coeruleus to characterize the gene expression profiles of norepinephrine (NE) neurons and other cell populations in this critical brain region, with all data made publicly available.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Criticality supports cross-frequency cortical-thalamic information transfer during conscious states

    Daniel Toker, Eli Müller ... Martin M Monti
    Cross-frequency communication between the cortex and thalamus is linked to consciousness and changes in unconscious and psychedelic states, possibly due to shifts in brain dynamics between stability and chaos.