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    1. Neuroscience

    Microglia: Maestros of anesthesia

    Romeesa Khan, Rodney M Ritzel
    Microglia regulate anesthesia by altering the activity of neurons in specific regions of the brain via a purinergic receptor.
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    1. Neuroscience

    What happens to the inhibitory control functions of the right inferior frontal cortex when this area is dominant for language?

    Esteban Villar-Rodríguez, Cristina Cano-Melle ... César Avila
    A complementary relationship exists between the hemispheric lateralization of inhibitory control (typically right) and speech (typically left), as observed in typically and atypically lateralized left-handed individuals.
    1. Neuroscience

    Dynamics and maintenance of categorical responses in primary auditory cortex during task engagement

    Rupesh K Chillale, Shihab Shamma ... Yves Boubenec
    Primary auditory cortex shows population-level correlates of sound categorization, with categorical patterns emerging during sound presentation and task engagement leading to asymmetrical representation of stimuli, indicating an early involvement in stimulus categorization.
    1. Neuroscience

    A generative model of electrophysiological brain responses to stimulation

    Diego Vidaurre
    Genephys is a generative model for dissecting the different aspects that compound our neural responses to perceptual stimulation, identifying which aspects remain stable and which ones vary across experimental repetitions.
    1. Neuroscience

    14-3-3 protein augments the protein stability of phosphorylated spastin and promotes the recovery of spinal cord injury through its agonist intervention

    Qiuling Liu, Hua Yang ... Zhisheng Ji
    14-3-3 protein augments the protein stability of phosphorylated spastin and promotes the recovery of spinal cord injury in mice.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neuroendocrine gene expression coupling of interoceptive bacterial food cues to foraging behavior of C. elegans

    Sonia A Boor, Joshua D Meisel, Dennis H Kim
    Distinct interoceptive and gustatory bacterial food cues converge to control neuroendocrine gene expression in two neurons, which modulates and is correlated with internal states driving feeding versus foraging behavior.
    1. Neuroscience

    Serial attentional resource allocation during parallel feature value tracking

    Christian Merkel, Luise Burgmann ... Jens-Max Hopf
    The strong limitation of human subjects in tracking two color streams simultaneously as they independently traverse color space can be attributed to attention alternating slowly and sequentially between streams.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Neuroimaging and behavioral evidence that violent video games exert no negative effect on human empathy for pain and emotional reactivity to violence

    Lukas Leopold Lengersdorff, Isabella C Wagner ... Claus Lamm
    After playing violent video games for 7 hr over the course of 2 weeks, human male participants show neither signs of decreased empathy for the pain of another person nor of decreased responsivity to violent images.
    1. Neuroscience

    Interaction of human keratinocytes and nerve fiber terminals at the neuro-cutaneous unit

    Christoph Erbacher, Sebastian Britz ... Nurcan Üçeyler
    Sensory nerve fiber ending ensheathment and connexin 43 contacts by keratinocytes at the neuro-cutaneous unit can be visualized and quantified at super-resolution in human skin.