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    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Structural and functional characterization of G protein–coupled receptors with deep mutational scanning

    Eric M Jones, Nathan B Lubock ... Sriram Kosuri
    Linking deep mutational scanning with engineered transcriptional reporters in human cell lines establishes a generalizable method for exploring pharmacogenomics, structure, and function across broad classes of drug receptors.
    1. Neuroscience

    SpikeInterface, a unified framework for spike sorting

    Alessio P Buccino, Cole L Hurwitz ... Matthias H Hennig
    SpikeInterface is an open-source software framework designed to build full analysis pipelines for extracellular recordings in a seamless and reproducible way.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    16p11.2 microdeletion imparts transcriptional alterations in human iPSC-derived models of early neural development

    Julien G Roth, Kristin L Muench ... Theo D Palmer
    A model of in vitro human corticogenesis identifies alterations in gene expression caused by loss of 16p11.2 CNV genes in hiPSC-derived progenitor cells.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Bisulfite treatment and single-molecule real-time sequencing reveal D-loop length, position, and distribution

    Shanaya Shital Shah, Stella R Hartono ... Wolf-Dietrich Heyer
    D-loops are critical intermediates in homologous recombination, and the novel D-loop mapping assay defines position, length, and distribution of D-loops with near base-pair resolution.
    1. Neuroscience

    Extended field-of-view ultrathin microendoscopes for high-resolution two-photon imaging with minimal invasiveness

    Andrea Antonini, Andrea Sattin ... Tommaso Fellin
    Aberration correction using 3D microprinting in ultrathin microendoscopes allows two-photon imaging of large neuronal networks with homogeneously high spatial resolution and minimal invasiveness in the deep mouse brain.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Genetic timestamping of plasma cells in vivo reveals tissue-specific homeostatic population turnover

    An Qi Xu, Rita R Barbosa, Dinis Pedro Calado
    A new system to genetically label and manipulate plasma cells in vivo in their microenvironment resolves current technical limitations and reveals tissue-specific homeostatic population turnover.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    A versatile system to record cell-cell interactions

    Rui Tang, Christopher W Murray ... Monte M Winslow
    A novel reporter system that employs cell surface antigen-nanobody pairing enables physical interaction-dependent labeling and functional modification between diverse cell types.
    1. Neuroscience

    anTraX, a software package for high-throughput video tracking of color-tagged insects

    Asaf Gal, Jonathan Saragosti, Daniel JC Kronauer
    anTraX is an algorithm and software package that facilitates automated analyses of insect social behavior in species and experimental settings that are not accessible with currently existing technology.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    3D visualization of macromolecule synthesis

    Timothy J Duerr, Ester Comellas ... James R Monaghan
    Whole mount 3D visualization of macromolecule synthesis with light sheet fluorescence microscopy enables quantitative, multiscale analysis at the organ, cellular, and molecular levels of organization.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Neuroscience

    Conditional protein tagging methods reveal highly specific subcellular distribution of ion channels in motion-sensing neurons

    Sandra Fendl, Renee Marie Vieira, Alexander Borst
    New protein labeling strategies unravel the subcellular distribution of neurotransmitter receptor subunits and voltage-gated ion channels in motion-sensing T4/T5 neurons of the Drosophila visual system.