16,038 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Human and macaque pairs employ different coordination strategies in a transparent decision game

    Sebastian Moeller, Anton M Unakafov ... Igor Kagan
    Using novel approach to study real-time social interactions shows that mutual action visibility facilitates static and dynamic coordination in both species, but whereas humans employ dynamic turn-taking to equalize rewards, macaques, after training with a human, compete between themselves.
    1. Neuroscience

    Spatially displaced excitation contributes to the encoding of interrupted motion by a retinal direction-selective circuit

    Jennifer Ding, Albert Chen ... Wei Wei
    The direction-selective circuit in the retina adjusts the contributions of excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms under different stimulus conditions to generate context-dependent neural representations of visual features.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Compaction and segregation of sister chromatids via active loop extrusion

    Anton Goloborodko, Maxim V Imakaev ... Leonid Mirny
    Loop extrusion can robustly compact, segregate and disentangle mammalian chromosomes, suggesting it is a universal mechanism of genome folding during cell division.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Cryo-EM structure in situ reveals a molecular switch that safeguards virus against genome loss

    Oliver W Bayfield, Alasdair C Steven, Alfred A Antson
    Structure of the portal protein of a thermostable virus, determined in its capsid-bound state, reveals a molecular mechanism that prevents DNA slippage during genome packaging.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Dopamine role in learning and action inference

    Rafal Bogacz
    A mathematical model describes the function of dopaminergic neurons in both learning and action planning.
    1. Neuroscience

    Convergence of monosynaptic and polysynaptic sensory paths onto common motor outputs in a Drosophila feeding connectome

    Anton Miroschnikow, Philipp Schlegel ... Michael J Pankratz
    A parallel neuronal network architecture ensures control of basic feeding reflex circuits via integration of crossmodal sensory information to filter multiple biological events and enhance meaningful behavioral choice.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Leading edge maintenance in migrating cells is an emergent property of branched actin network growth

    Rikki M Garner, Julie A Theriot
    Computational simulations of actin network growth at the cell leading edge, combined with careful high-speed video microscopy measurements of leading edge shape fluctuations, suggest that Arp2/3 branching of the actin network occurs at an optimal angle to minimize fluctuations.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Computationally defined and in vitro validated putative genomic safe harbour loci for transgene expression in human cells

    Matias I Autio, Efthymios Motakis ... Roger SY Foo
    Depiction of novel human genomic safe harbour loci that have been validated in vitro for safety and stable expression in human embryonic stem cells and cell types from all the three germ lineages.
    1. Neuroscience

    The role of conjunctive representations in prioritizing and selecting planned actions

    Atsushi Kikumoto, Ulrich Mayr, David Badre
    Time-resolved decoding of EEG reveals the nature of representations of upcoming actions and how the planned action is selected from working memory.
    1. Neuroscience

    Action does not enhance but attenuates predicted touch

    Xavier Job, Konstantina Kilteni
    A series of pre-registered psychophysical studies on self-touch tested two opposing models of somatosensory attenuation (cancelation) and enhancement (sharpening) regarding how action affects perception, and revealed that action prediction produces an attenuation, and not an enhancement, of the predicted touch.

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