300 results found
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Ecology

    Place recognition using batlike sonar

    Dieter Vanderelst, Jan Steckel ... Marc W Holderied
    Echolocating bats may recognize locations in the environment (and navigate to them) by remembering the specific echo signature of those locations.
    1. Ecology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Extreme suction attachment performance from specialised insects living in mountain streams (Diptera: Blephariceridae)

    Victor Kang, Robin T White ... Walter Federle
    Net-winged midge larvae use suction organs covered in spine-like cuticular protrusions to generate powerful attachment on wet and rough surfaces.
    1. Neuroscience

    Insulin sensitivity in mesolimbic pathways predicts and improves with weight loss in older dieters

    Lena J Tiedemann, Sebastian M Meyhöfer ... Stefanie Brassen
    Insulinergic neuromodulation of hedonic food processing predicts future weight management and improves with weight loss in older overweight dieters.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Dedicated chaperones coordinate co-translational regulation of ribosomal protein production with ribosome assembly to preserve proteostasis

    Benjamin Pillet, Alfonso Méndez-Godoy ... Dieter Kressler
    A novel co-translational mechanism continuously adjusts the expression levels of ribosomal proteins Rpl3 and Rpl4 to their consumption during ribosome synthesis by regulating the abundance of their mRNAs.
    1. Neuroscience

    v-SNARE transmembrane domains function as catalysts for vesicle fusion

    Madhurima Dhara, Antonio Yarzagaray ... Dieter Bruns
    Structural flexibility of the synaptobrevin-2 transmembrane domain promotes membrane fusion.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    tRNA sequences can assemble into a replicator

    Alexandra Kühnlein, Simon A Lanzmich, Dieter Braun
    Rudimentary cross-catalytic replication can be established by double-hairpins of tRNA-like sequences, implying that replication and translation could have emerged along a common evolutionary trajectory.
    1. Neuroscience

    A mechanism for exocytotic arrest by the Complexin C-terminus

    Mazen Makke, Maria Mantero Martinez ... Dieter Bruns
    The far C-terminal domain of CpxII interferes with SNARE assembly and thereby arrests tonic exocytosis.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synergistic actions of v-SNARE transmembrane domains and membrane-curvature modifying lipids in neurotransmitter release

    Madhurima Dhara, Maria Mantero Martinez ... Dieter Bruns
    Naturally-occurring v-SNARE TMD variants differentially regulate fusion pore dynamics and cooperate with phospholipids in supporting membrane curvature at the fusion pore neck.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Measuring the tolerance of the genetic code to altered codon size

    Erika Alden DeBenedictis, Dieter Söll, Kevin M Esvelt
    Although the genetic code uses three DNA base pairs to encode one amino acid, it is surprisingly tolerant to four-base codons, which can be used to incorporate nine of the twenty amino acids without any protein engineering.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Embryo polarity in moth flies and mosquitoes relies on distinct old genes with localized transcript isoforms

    Yoseop Yoon, Jeff Klomp ... Urs Schmidt-Ott
    Isoform-specific transcript localization underlies the evolutionary diversity of anterior axis determinants in embryos of dipteran insects.

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