2,341 results found
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Non-coding cancer driver candidates identified with a sample- and position-specific model of the somatic mutation rate

    Malene Juul, Johanna Bertl ... Jakob Skou Pedersen
    A new statistical approach identifies non-coding regulatory regions of genes as driver candidates with recurrent mutations across cancer samples that associate with gene expression, patient survival or mutational phenotype.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Individualized discovery of rare cancer drivers in global network context

    Iurii Petrov, Andrey Alexeyenko
    Method NEAdriver employs knowledge from global networks to predict novel cancer driver genes in an individualized manner, which is done by accounting for mutations’ co-occurrence in each tumor genome and rigorous statistical evaluation.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Use of signals of positive and negative selection to distinguish cancer genes and passenger genes

    László Bányai, Maria Trexler ... László Patthy
    In contrast with earlier conclusions, negative selection has a major role in cancer evolution.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    5-hydroxymethylcytosine marks regions with reduced mutation frequency in human DNA

    Marketa Tomkova, Michael McClellan ... Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
    Different types of epigenetic DNA modifications affect the likelihood of cytosine mutations in cancer.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    The yin–yang of kinase activation and unfolding explains the peculiarity of Val600 in the activation segment of BRAF

    Christina Kiel, Hannah Benisty ... Luis Serrano
    The V600E mutation in BRAF is a cancer hot spot because it opens the activation segment through destabilization of autoinhibitory interactions, but it does not significantly impair folding of the inactive or active kinase domain.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Non-invasive detection of urothelial cancer through the analysis of driver gene mutations and aneuploidy

    Simeon U Springer, Chung-Hsin Chen ... George J Netto
    The creation of a non-invasive assay for detecting urothelial cancer could have a profound impact on how we find and treat the disease.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The cJUN NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway promotes genome stability and prevents tumor initiation

    Nomeda Girnius, Yvonne JK Edwards ... Roger J Davis
    Mutational inactivation of the JNK signaling pathway causes genomic instability and breast cancer development.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Cell Biology

    Direct measurement of conformational strain energy in protofilaments curling outward from disassembling microtubule tips

    Jonathan W Driver, Elisabeth A Geyer ... Charles L Asbury
    The protofilaments that curl outward from a disassembling microtubule tip carry a large amount of strain energy and they can drive movement with an efficiency similar to conventional motor proteins.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Medicine

    Mutation analysis links angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma to clonal hematopoiesis and smoking

    Shuhua Cheng, Wei Zhang ... Wayne Tam
    Comparative analysis establishes genetic links among angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), clonal hematopoiesis, and concomitant hematologic malignancies, and provides insights into the cell of origin, etiology, and biomarker discovery for AITL.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Atypical meiosis can be adaptive in outcrossed Schizosaccharomyces pombe due to wtf meiotic drivers

    María Angélica Bravo Núñez, Ibrahim M Sabbarini ... Sarah E Zanders
    The wtf meiotic drivers change the fitness landscape of meiosis in outcrossed Schizosaccharomyces pombe demonstrating that genetic parasites can favor the evolution of variants that disrupt meiotic fidelity.

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