13,859 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Emotional learning retroactively promotes memory integration through rapid neural reactivation and reorganization

    Yannan Zhu, Yimeng Zeng ... Shaozheng Qin
    Emotional learning retroactively promotes memory integration for previously neutral events into episodic memory to foster future event predictions, through rapidly stimulating trial-specific reactivation of overlapping memory traces and reorganization of associated memories among the amygdala, hippocampal, and neocortical circuits.
    1. Neuroscience

    Fatigue induces long-lasting detrimental changes in motor-skill learning

    Meret Branscheidt, Panagiotis Kassavetis ... Pablo Celnik
    A series of experiments shows how muscle fatigue impairs motor-skill learning on subsequent practice days beyond its effects on task execution.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    On the objectivity, reliability, and validity of deep learning enabled bioimage analyses

    Dennis Segebarth, Matthias Griebel ... Robert Blum
    A comparison of different bioimage analysis pipelines reveals how deep learning can be used for automatized and reliable analysis of fluorescent features in biological datasets.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synaptic learning rules for sequence learning

    Eric Torsten Reifenstein, Ikhwan Bin Khalid, Richard Kempter
    Through mathematical analysis and computer simulations, the neuronal underpinnings of feasible models of sequence learning are delineated.
    1. Neuroscience

    Value generalization in human avoidance learning

    Agnes Norbury, Trevor W Robbins, Ben Seymour
    Individual differences in generalization of aversive value (but not safety information) during human active avoidance learning specifically predict experience of anxiety and intrusive thoughts.
    1. Neuroscience

    Competition between parallel sensorimotor learning systems

    Scott T Albert, Jihoon Jang ... Reza Shadmehr
    When a common error drives parallel implicit and explicit learning systems, increases in the explicit response will suppress implicit adaptation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Social structure learning in human anterior insula

    Tatiana Lau, Samuel J Gershman, Mina Cikara
    A domain-general structure learning mechanism, supported by anterior insula, moves beyond explicit category labels and dyadic similarity as the sole inputs to social group representations and predicts ally-choice behavior.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Statistical context dictates the relationship between feedback-related EEG signals and learning

    Matthew R Nassar, Rasmus Bruckner, Michael J Frank
    The P300, an electroencephalography (EEG) component known to be evoked by surprising events, predicts learning in a bidirectional manner that depends critically on the surrounding statistical context.
    1. Neuroscience

    Intrinsically regulated learning is modulated by synaptic dopamine signaling

    Pablo Ripollés, Laura Ferreri ... Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells
    Dopamine modulates behavioral measures of learning and pleasantness in a learning task guided by intrinsic reward, inducing long-term memory benefits specially in those participants with a high sensitivity to reward.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cerebellar learning using perturbations

    Guy Bouvier, Johnatan Aljadeff ... Boris Barbour
    A proposal for a complete cellular/network implementation of trial-and-error motor learning in the olivo-cerebellar system.

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