56 results found
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Myosin motors fragment and compact membrane-bound actin filaments

    Sven K Vogel, Zdenek Petrasek ... Petra Schwille
    A combination of single-molecule imaging and an in vitro model of the cell cortex has allowed the interactions between actin filaments and filaments made of myosin II to be studied in detail.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Control of lipid domain organization by a biomimetic contractile actomyosin cortex

    Sven Kenjiro Vogel, Ferdinand Greiss ... Petra Schwille
    Building on previous work (Vogel et al., 2013b), it is shown that myosin-driven actin filament rearrangements actively move, split or fuse individual lipid domains and change their overall shape.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Distinct contributions of the thin and thick filaments to length-dependent activation in heart muscle

    Xuemeng Zhang, Thomas Kampourakis ... Yin-Biao Sun
    The Frank–Starling law of the heart and its underlying mechanism of length-dependent activation involve distinctive structural changes in both the thin and thick filaments of cardiac muscle cells.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Downsizing the molecular spring of the giant protein titin reveals that skeletal muscle titin determines passive stiffness and drives longitudinal hypertrophy

    Ambjorn Brynnel, Yaeren Hernandez ... Henk L Granzier
    Genetically altering the size of the molecular spring element in the giant protein titin established that titin determines the stiffness of skeletal muscle and the number of sarcomeres in series.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Ephrin-B1 regulates the adult diastolic function through a late postnatal maturation of cardiomyocyte surface crests

    Clement Karsenty, Celine Guilbeau-Frugier ... Celine Galés
    Eprhin B1 in the cardiomyocyte regulates the maturation of the adult surface crest architecture and of the diastolic function during a late postnatal stage in rodents.
    1. Medicine

    Late-life restoration of mitochondrial function reverses cardiac dysfunction in old mice

    Ying Ann Chiao, Huiliang Zhang ... Peter Rabinovitch
    Mitochondrial-targeted SS-31 peptide ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction and rescues pre-existing cardiac dysfunction in old mice, supporting the translational potential of mitochondrial protective interventions to treat age-related diseases.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Post-translational modification patterns on β-myosin heavy chain are altered in ischemic and nonischemic human hearts

    Maicon Landim-Vieira, Matthew C Childers ... Michelle S Parvatiyar
    Analytical techniques and computational models reveal novel post-translational modifications on β-myosin heavy chain in the human hearts and highlight their potential as therapeutic targets.
    1. Physics of Living Systems
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Conformational changes in twitchin kinase in vivo revealed by FRET imaging of freely moving C. elegans

    Daniel Porto, Yohei Matsunaga ... Hang Lu
    Quantitative FRET imaging in moving C. elegans shows that stretch-unfolding of twitchin kinase occurs in the active muscle, whereby mechanical activity titrates the signaling pathway of this cytoskeletal kinase.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    On the pH-dependence of α-synuclein amyloid polymorphism and the role of secondary nucleation in seed-based amyloid propagation

    Lukas Frey, Dhiman Ghosh ... Jason Greenwald
    The amyloid polymorph selection that occurs during α-synuclein aggregation is dictated by environmental conditions, in particular pH, with the largest variety of structures being observed near neutral pH.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    The evolutionary origin of bilaterian smooth and striated myocytes

    Thibaut Brunet, Antje HL Fischer ... Detlev Arendt
    Molecular profiling of annelid myocytes reveals that the last common protostome-deuterostome ancestor already possessed a dual musculature, with visceral smooth muscles ensuring digestion and somatic striated muscles ensuring locomotion.

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