11 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Genetic and neuronal regulation of sleep by neuropeptide VF

    Daniel A Lee, Andrey Andreev ... David A Prober
    Genetic experiments in zebrafish identify neuropeptide VF (NPVF) signaling and NPVF-expressing neurons as a novel vertebrate hypothalamic sleep-promoting system that is functionally conserved with invertebrates.
    1. Neuroscience

    Knockdown of hypothalamic RFRP3 prevents chronic stress-induced infertility and embryo resorption

    Anna C Geraghty, Sandra E Muroy ... Daniela Kaufer
    A chronic stressor prior to mating has lasting negative consequences on the fertility and fecundity of female rats, which can be prevented by blocking a single hypothalamic reproductive inhibitory hormone.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neuropeptide VF neurons promote sleep via the serotonergic raphe

    Daniel A Lee, Grigorios Oikonomou ... David A Prober
    Experiments using zebrafish identify a novel sleep-promoting neuronal circuit in which hypothalamic NPVF neurons promote sleep via the hindbrain serotonergic raphe nuclei, which promote sleep in both zebrafish and mice.
    1. Neuroscience

    Estrogenic-dependent glutamatergic neurotransmission from kisspeptin neurons governs feeding circuits in females

    Jian Qiu, Heidi M Rivera ... Oline K Rønnekleiv
    Estrogen increases hypothalamic arcuate kisspeptin neuronal excitability and glutamate release to coordinate autonomic functions for maximizing reproductive success.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Coordination of humoral immune factors dictates compatibility between Schistosoma mansoni and Biomphalaria glabrata

    Hongyu Li, Jacob R Hambrook ... Patrick Hanington
    A coordinated humoral immune response that includes recognition, effector and cytotoxic factors engages the cell-mediated immune response to defend a snail against infection by schistosome parasites.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    An epithelial signalling centre in sharks supports homology of tooth morphogenesis in vertebrates

    Alexandre P Thiery, Ariane SI Standing ... Gareth J Fraser
    The development of diverse tooth shapes among vertebrates, from sharks to mammals, is a highly conserved process, utilising a similar dental signalling centre for more than 400 million years.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Positive feedback regulation of frizzled-7 expression robustly shapes a steep Wnt gradient in Xenopus heart development, together with sFRP1 and heparan sulfate

    Takayoshi Yamamoto, Yuta Kambayashi ... Stefan Hoppler
    Biomolecular experiments and computer simulations revealed that morphogen receptors expressed via a positive feedback loop impart robustness against variations in morphogen secretion rate and speed of development.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Structure and function of the Smoothened extracellular domain in vertebrate Hedgehog signaling

    Sigrid Nachtergaele, Daniel M Whalen ... Rajat Rohatgi
    A cysteine-rich domain within the Smoothened receptor may represent a novel therapeutic target for cancers caused by abnormal functioning of the Hedgehog signaling pathway.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Developmental Biology

    Structure and functional properties of Norrin mimic Wnt for signalling with Frizzled4, Lrp5/6, and proteoglycan

    Tao-Hsin Chang, Fu-Lien Hsieh ... E Yvonne Jones
    The crystal structure of Norrie Disease Protein in complex with the extracellular cysteine-rich domain of Frizzled4 receptor and sucrose octasulfate reveals binding sites for Frizzled4, low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5/6, and proteoglycan.

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