290 results found
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Inflammatory stress signaling via NF-kB alters accessible cholesterol to upregulate SREBP2 transcriptional activity in endothelial cells

    Joseph Wayne M Fowler, Rong Zhang ... William C Sessa
    Detailed biochemical and metabolic analysis of the inflammatory response in human endothelial cells reveals that inflammation directly regulates cholesterol homeostasis.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Strip1 regulates retinal ganglion cell survival by suppressing Jun-mediated apoptosis to promote retinal neural circuit formation

    Mai Ahmed, Yutaka Kojima, Ichiro Masai
    A neuroprotective role mediated by Strip1 maintains retinal ganglion cells during development, which ensures proper positioning of inner retinal neurons and preserves the laminar architecture of the inner retina.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The ESRP1-GPR137 axis contributes to intestinal pathogenesis

    Lukas Franz Mager, Viktor Hendrik Koelzer ... Philippe Krebs
    ESRP1 is central to intestinal barrier integrity in mice and humans and alterations in ESRP1 function or expression contribute to intestinal pathology, partly through modified expression of ESRP1-specific GPR137 isoforms.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Qki regulates myelinogenesis through Srebp2-dependent cholesterol biosynthesis

    Xin Zhou, Seula Shin ... Jian Hu
    Qki-Srebp2–mediated cholesterol biosynthesis is indispensable for myelinogenesis during early brain development.
    1. Cancer Biology

    A feedback loop between the androgen receptor and 6-phosphogluoconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) drives prostate cancer growth

    Joanna L Gillis, Josephine A Hinneh ... Lisa M Butler
    A positive feedback loop between the androgen receptor and a key pentose phosphate pathway enzyme, 6PGD, in prostate cancer promotes tumour cell proliferation, survival and intracellular redox control.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Expression of SREBP-1c Requires SREBP-2-mediated Generation of a Sterol Ligand for LXR in Livers of Mice

    Shunxing Rong, Víctor A Cortés ... Jay D Horton
    SREBP-2 directly regulates genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis and indirectly regulates fatty acid synthesis through the production of a ligand responsible for the activation of LXR and SREBP-1c.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Tenectin recruits integrin to stabilize bouton architecture and regulate vesicle release at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction

    Qi Wang, Tae Hee Han ... Mihaela Serpe
    Characterization of Tnc as a selective integrin ligand at the Drosophila NMJ allows for unprecedented insights into our understanding of extracellular matrix/integrin interactions at synaptic locations and reveals novel, distinct presynaptic and postsynaptic integrin functions.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Symbiont-induced odorant binding proteins mediate insect host hematopoiesis

    Joshua B Benoit, Aurélien Vigneron ... Brian L Weiss
    Insect symbiotic bacteria regulate expression of an odorant binding protein that mediates an evolutionarily conserved hematopoietic pathway crucial for host immune system development and function.
    1. Cell Biology

    Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis through RNF145-dependent ubiquitination of SCAP

    Li Zhang, Prashant Rajbhandari ... Peter Tontonoz
    The E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF145 is shown to contribute to crosstalk between the LXR and SREBP-2 pathways in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Structures of translationally inactive mammalian ribosomes

    Alan Brown, Matthew R Baird ... Sichen Shao
    Mining electron cryomicroscopy data reveals new ribosomal interactions that preclude translation to potentially regulate gene expression.

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