917 results found
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The cJUN NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway promotes genome stability and prevents tumor initiation

    Nomeda Girnius, Yvonne JK Edwards ... Roger J Davis
    Mutational inactivation of the JNK signaling pathway causes genomic instability and breast cancer development.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    MicroRNA-203 represses selection and expansion of oncogenic Hras transformed tumor initiating cells

    Kent Riemondy, Xiao-jing Wang ... Rui Yi
    Inhibition of microRNA-203 by oncogenic HRas mutations promotes skin cancer initiation.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    A syngeneic spontaneous zebrafish model of tp53-deficient, EGFRvIII, and PI3KCAH1047R-driven glioblastoma reveals inhibitory roles for inflammation during tumor initiation and relapse in vivo

    Alex Weiss, Cassandra D'Amata ... Madeline N Hayes
    Modeling glioblastoma using expression of relevant human oncogenes in syngeneic zebrafish offers a powerful platform for current and future biological discovery, diagnostics, and therapeutic testing in an intact tumor microenvironment.
    1. Cancer Biology

    NFATc2 enhances tumor-initiating phenotypes through the NFATc2/SOX2/ALDH axis in lung adenocarcinoma

    Zhi-Jie Xiao, Jing Liu ... Maria Pik Wong
    NFATc2 maintains the drug-induced TIC phenotypes through trans-activating SOX2/ALDH1A1 expression and scavenging stress from ROS.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Differential requirements of androgen receptor in luminal progenitors during prostate regeneration and tumor initiation

    Chee Wai Chua, Nusrat J Epsi ... Michael M Shen
    Analyses of genetically engineered mouse models reveal the androgen receptor-independent properties of a luminal stem/progenitor cell in the prostate epithelium, and its ability to serve as a cell of origin for castration-resistant prostate cancer.
    1. Cancer Biology

    P2RY14 cAMP signaling regulates Schwann cell precursor self-renewal, proliferation, and nerve tumor initiation in a mouse model of neurofibromatosis

    Jennifer Patritti Cram, Jianqiang Wu ... Nancy Ratner
    In a mouse model of neurofibromatosis type 1, the purinergic receptor P2RY14 is a key regulator of Schwann cell precursor self-renewal and proliferation, of neurofibroma tumor initiation and of mouse survival.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Human pancreatic cancer cell exosomes, but not human normal cell exosomes, act as an initiator in cell transformation

    Karoliina Stefanius, Kelly Servage ... Kim Orth
    Exosomes secreted from pancreatic cancer cells can function as a classic initiator in the multi-step cellular transformation process.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Defining function of wild-type and three patient-specific TP53 mutations in a zebrafish model of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma

    Jiangfei Chen, Kunal Baxi ... Myron S Ignatius
    Zebrafish are an optimal model organism to study rare TP53 mutations whose functions are not readily understood.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Tumor initiating cells induce Cxcr4-mediated infiltration of pro-tumoral macrophages into the brain

    Kelda Chia, Julie Mazzolini ... Dirk Sieger
    Pre-neoplastic cells in the brain release SDF1, which mediates an immediate infiltration of macrophages that differentiate into microglia-like cells and promote proliferation of pre-neoplastic cells.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Tracking cells in epithelial acini by light sheet microscopy reveals proximity effects in breast cancer initiation

    Ashna Alladin, Lucas Chaible ... Martin Jechlinger
    The presented primary epithelial acinus-based platform for studying interactions between normal and malignant cells will enable in depth analysis of the tumor initiation process on a molecular level.

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