Analyses of detailed clinical and entomological data from cohort studies reveal how anti-parasite and anti-disease immunity against P. falciparum develop as a function of age and transmission intensity.
Patrick E Brown, Sze Hang Fu ... Ab-C Study Collaborators
Population-level hybrid immunity depends substantially on vaccination coverage, including among those previously infected, and dried blood spot collection serves as a practicable biological surveillance platform for these immune responses.
Environmental selection overwhelmed the geographic 'distance' effect when across biotas, overturning the previously well-accepted geographic pattern for microbes on a large scale.
A trait-based model of dryland vegetation uncovers the roles of spatial self-organization in maintaining biodiversity in a changing climate and offers novel ways of managing ecosystems at risk.
A novel species-sorting experiment finds that phylogenetically and functionally distinct microbial communities emerge under different temperature conditions due to the resuscitation of latent diversity.
Human gut bacteria alter their metabolism in response to each other's presence, which causes their community dynamics to deviate from predictions that are based on mono-culture data.
Malini Rajan, Cole P Anderson ... Elizabeth A Leibold
Nuclear receptor NHR-14 regulates the subcellular localization of the zinc transcription factor PQM-1 to coordinate innate immunity with iron sequestration during pathogen infection in C. elegans..