21 results found
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes to study inflammation-induced aberrant calcium transient

    Yuki Tatekoshi, Chunlei Chen ... Hossein Ardehali
    A calcium transient measurement system utilizing human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes reveals the detrimental impact of inflammatory cytokines on cardiomyocyte relaxation and displays the potential of drugs to reverse these defects.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Medicine

    Clinical phenotypes in acute and chronic infarction explained through human ventricular electromechanical modelling and simulations

    Xin Zhou, Zhinuo Jenny Wang ... Blanca Rodriguez
    Human-based electromechanical simulations reveal electrocardiogram biomarkers are better indicators of pro-arrhythmic substrate after myocardial infarction than ejection fraction.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Ephrin-B1 regulates the adult diastolic function through a late postnatal maturation of cardiomyocyte surface crests

    Clement Karsenty, Celine Guilbeau-Frugier ... Celine Galés
    Eprhin B1 in the cardiomyocyte regulates the maturation of the adult surface crest architecture and of the diastolic function during a late postnatal stage in rodents.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Lonafarnib improves cardiovascular function and survival in a mouse model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome

    Sae-Il Murtada, Nicole Mikush ... Jay D Humphrey
    Daily administration of the farnesyltransferase inhibitor lonafarnib decreases central artery stiffness, increases distal artery vasoactivity, and improves left ventricular function consistent with increased survival in a mouse model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
    1. Cell Biology

    Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 is involved in pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy

    Yan Zou, Miaomiao Zhang ... Bing Han
    Activation of TRPV4 induced increases in Ca2+ influx, activated CaMKII, enhanced pro-inflammatory NFκB-NLRP3 signaling, and promoted inflammation response, thus contributing to pathological cardiac remodeling.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Loss of the transcription factor Meis1 prevents sympathetic neurons target-field innervation and increases susceptibility to sudden cardiac death

    Fabrice Bouilloux, Jérôme Thireau ... Frédéric Marmigère
    The transcription factor Meis1 is a dedicated maintenance factor for sympathetic neurons and controls the expression of key genes involved in endosome trafficking.
    1. Cell Biology

    Age-dependent diastolic heart failure in an in vivo Drosophila model

    Matthew P Klassen, Christian J Peters ... Yuh Nung Jan
    As in humans, Drosophila hearts are able to maintain contractile performance during healthy aging, but this maintenance is associated with an increased susceptibility to progressive dysrhythmias that can lead to fibrillatory arrest.
    1. Medicine

    Ryanodine receptor 2 inhibition reduces dispersion of cardiac repolarization, improves contractile function, and prevents sudden arrhythmic death in failing hearts

    Pooja Joshi, Shanea Estes ... Swati Dey
    Inhibition of RyR2 hyperactivity with dantrolene not only prevents VT/VF and SCD but also heart failure by mitigating calcium dysfunction in pressure-overloaded hearts.
    1. Cell Biology

    The DWORF micropeptide enhances contractility and prevents heart failure in a mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy

    Catherine A Makarewich, Amir Z Munir ... Eric N Olson
    Cardiac-specific overexpression of a recently discovered micropeptide, DWORF, enhances calcium cycling and contractility in the heart and rescues the heart failure phenotype of a genetic mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Increasing heart vascularisation after myocardial infarction using brain natriuretic peptide stimulation of endothelial and WT1+ epicardial cells

    Na Li, Stephanie Rignault-Clerc ... Nathalie Rosenblatt-Velin
    Brain natriuretic peptide supplementation can increase cardiac neovascularization in infarcted hearts by stimulating endogenous endothelial cell proliferation and proliferation of precursor cells, which will differentiate into endothelial cells.

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