June K Corrigan, Deepti Ramachandran ... Alexander S Banks
The metabolic rate of mice is disproportionately affected by the site of experimentation, affecting the phenotypic interpretation of genetically modified strains.
Andréanne Morin, Britney A Helling ... Nancy B Schwartz
The pandemic adversely affected the mental health and research productivity of postdocs in the US, and institutional resources helped to alleviate some of these stresses.
A longitudinal study of open access levels at 1,207 research institutions worldwide reveals high performing institutions in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) has developed a new tool called SPACE to support universities and institutions working to improve the assessment of research.
Genetic and transcriptomic analyses revealed that eIF4E S209 phosphorylation enables Myc and mutant KRAS cooperation in colon cancer through stress- and glutamine-dependent growth and addiction.
Nadine Dijkstra, Pim Mostert ... Marcel AJ van Gerven
In contrast to perception, during visual imagery, there are no clear time-locked processing stages and imagery specifically overlaps with perceptual processing around 160 ms after stimulus onset and from 300 ms onwards.
Jennifer Tullet, Jennifer Leigh ... Emma Hargreaves
Reflective practice can help postgraduate students to navigate work environments, deal with difficult supervisory relationships, and improve their work-life balance.
Blinding the initial review of applications for Beckman Young Investigator awards reduces prestige bias, but has no impact on the success rates for different genders.
Viktor J Radermacher, Vincent Fernandez ... Jonah N Choiniere
A new specimen of Heterodontosaurus elucidates how ornithischian dinosaurs evolved a body plan substantially different from that of other dinosaurs and what these differences meant for their breathing.