Browse our latest Computational and Systems Biology articles

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    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Phantasus, a web application for visual and interactive gene expression analysis

    Maksim Kleverov, Daria Zenkova ... Alexey A Sergushichev
    Phantasus democratizes gene expression analysis, offering intuitive and interactive tools that streamline the exploration and analysis of user-provided data and over 96,000 public datasets.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Agent-based model demonstrates the impact of nonlinear, complex interactions between cytokines on muscle regeneration

    Megan Haase, Tien Comlekoglu ... Silvia S Blemker
    A computational model of skeletal muscle regeneration reveals complex interplay of cytokines, angiogenesis, and cell behaviors, predicting that synergistic cytokine perturbations enhance skeletal muscle regeneration beyond individual cytokine interventions.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Theoretical principles explain the structure of the insect head direction circuit

    Pau Vilimelis Aceituno, Dominic Dall'Osto, Ioannis Pisokas
    Three theoretical principles explain the neural activity observed in the head direction circuit of insects, the connectivity pattern underlying the circuit, and how the ubiquitous eight-column circuit structure emerged from evolutionary processes.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Ultra-low coverage fragmentomic model of cell-free DNA for cancer detection based on whole-exome regions

    Apiwat Sangphukieo, Pitiporn Noisagul ... Parunya Chaiyawat
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Modeled grid cells aligned by a flexible attractor

    Sabrina Benas, Ximena Fernandez, Emilio Kropff
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Analysis of science journalism reveals gender and regional disparities in coverage

    Natalie R Davidson, Casey S Greene
    Those quoted and mentioned in stories in Nature News mostly have names associated with men and are much less likely to have names associated with East Asia.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    A three filament mechanistic model of musculotendon force and impedance

    Matthew Millard, David W. Franklin, Walter Herzog