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    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Parasite defensive limb movements enhance acoustic signal attraction in male little torrent frogs

    Longhui Zhao, Jichao Wang ... Jianguo Cui
    Multimodal signals may evolve from unimodal one via co-option of primary signal components and associated cues that serve as by-products.
    1. Ecology

    Eco-evolutionary dynamics modulate plant responses to global change depending on plant diversity and species identity

    Peter Dietrich, Jens Schumacher ... Christiane Roscher
    Offspring of plants selected at low and high plant diversity differently respond to global change drivers (nitrogen enrichment, drought), as reflected by their biomass production and trait expression, whereby plant-soil interactions play a significant role in these processes.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Windborne migration amplifies insect-mediated pollination services

    Huiru Jia et al.
    Delineating Episyrphus balteatus transregional movements and pollination networks advance a deep understanding of its migration ecology and facilitate the design of targeted strategies to conserve and enhance its ecosystem services.
    1. Ecology

    Tropical land use alters functional diversity of soil food webs and leads to monopolization of the detrital energy channel

    Zheng Zhou, Valentyna Krashevska ... Anton Potapov
    Tropical land use makes most soil animal groups shift to 'fast' energy channel and restructures soil food web at community level, but this change is buffered by earthworms at ecosystem (energetic) level.
    1. Ecology

    Testosterone pulses paired with a location induce a place preference to the nest of a monogamous mouse under field conditions

    Radmila Petric, Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell, Catherine A Marler
    Transient increases in the hormone testosterone shift behavioral focus by influencing both spatial preference and vocalizations of a monogamous and biparental mouse in the wild.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Competition for fluctuating resources reproduces statistics of species abundance over time across wide-ranging microbiotas

    Po-Yi Ho, Benjamin H Good, Kerwyn Casey Huang
    A simple model provides an accessible framework to infer macroscopic parameters of effective resource competition from longitudinal studies of microbial communities.
    1. Ecology

    Mammals adjust diel activity across gradients of urbanization

    Travis Gallo, Mason Fidino ... Seth B Magle
    Mammals use time along the 24-hr cycle to reduce risk, adapt, and therefore persist in urban ecosystems.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Noisy metabolism can promote microbial cross-feeding

    Jaime G Lopez, Ned S Wingreen
    Noise-averaging cooperation (NAC) is a novel theory for the emergence of microbial cross-feeding by which noisy intracellular metabolism can promote cooperation and cross-feeding among cells.
    1. Ecology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Particle foraging strategies promote microbial diversity in marine environments

    Ali Ebrahimi, Akshit Goyal, Otto X Cordero
    An ecological trade-off between growth and death enables microbes with different dispersal strategies to coexist on particulate matter in the oceans.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    A new early branching armored dinosaur from the Lower Jurassic of southwestern China

    Xi Yao, Paul M Barrett ... Shundong Bi
    Yuxisaurus represents the first unambiguous armored dinosaur to be recovered from the Lower Jurassic of Asia, confirming the rapid geographic spread and diversification of the armored dinosaurs throughout the northern hemisphere early in their evolution.