To protect their food and themselves against detrimental mould fungi, the eggs of a wasp species synthesize and emit remarkable amounts of gaseous nitrogen oxides that are highly effective antimicrobials.
Cis-regulation such as enhancers and promoters plays a major role in parallel gene expression divergence and has features that make it a well-poised substrate for adaptive evolution.
Elizabeth Ann Hambleton, Victor Arnold Shivas Jones ... Annika Guse
Diversification of a conserved cholesterol binder drives functional replacement of cholesterol with symbiont-produced sterols in corals living in nutrient-poor environments.
Samuel Frederick Mock Hart, Jose Mario Bello Pineda ... Wenying Shou
Whereas partner-serving phenotype is intuitively quantified as benefit release rate, molecular genetics revealed an example where this thinking fails, motivating a more general metric.
Jorune Sakalauskaite, Søren H Andersen ... Beatrice Demarchi
Ancient proteomes from tiny shell ornaments were successfully characterised for the first time, showing the unexpected use of mother-of-pearl from local riverine molluscs in both coastal and inland prehistoric sites.