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    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Predicting mutational routes to new adaptive phenotypes

    Peter A Lind, Eric Libby ... Paul B Rainey
    A combination of genetics, experimental evolution and mathematical modelling defines information necessary to predict the outcome of short-term adaptive evolution.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Predicted glycosyltransferases promote development and prevent spurious cell clumping in the choanoflagellate S. rosetta

    Laura A Wetzel, Tera C Levin ... Nicole King
    A genetic screen reveals that two predicted glycosyltransferases promote rosette development and prevent cell clumping in one of the closest living relatives of animals, the choanoflagellate S. rosetta.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Evolution of cation binding in the active sites of P-loop nucleoside triphosphatases in relation to the basic catalytic mechanism

    Daria N Shalaeva, Dmitry A Cherepanov ... Armen Y Mulkidjanian
    In potassium-dependent NTPases, insertion of the activating potassium ion into the active site leads to rotation of the gamma-phosphate yielding a near-eclipsed, catalytically productive conformation of the triphosphate chain.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Glutamate Receptors: Family matters

    Mark L Mayer, Timothy Jegla
    Genome sequence data from a range of animal species are raising questions about the origins of glutamate receptors.
    Version of Record
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Metazoan evolution of glutamate receptors reveals unreported phylogenetic groups and divergent lineage-specific events

    David Ramos-Vicente, Jie Ji ... Àlex Bayés
    The animal phylogeny of glutamate receptors indicates that vertebrate types do not account for all receptor classes originated during evolution, neither are they the pinnacle of a linear evolutive process.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Paleobotany: Did flowering plants exist in the Jurassic period?

    David Winship Taylor, Hongqi Li
    The discovery of a fossil that might be the oldest flowering plant will continue the debate on the origin and structure of ancestral flowering plants.
    Version of Record
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    An unexpected noncarpellate epigynous flower from the Jurassic of China

    Qiang Fu, Jose Bienvenido Diez ... Xin Wang
    Flowers did bloom in the Early Jurassic.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Privatisation rescues function following loss of cooperation

    Sandra Breum Andersen, Melanie Ghoul ... Ashleigh S Griffin
    A population of pathogenic bacteria is found to respond to the loss of cooperation by privatising an essential function.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Gene flow mediates the role of sex chromosome meiotic drive during complex speciation

    Colin D Meiklejohn, Emily L Landeen ... Daven C Presgraves
    Selfish genetic elements may either promote or prevent the evolution of reproductive barriers, depending on the extent of gene flow between species.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Single nucleus sequencing reveals evidence of inter-nucleus recombination in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

    Eric CH Chen, Stephanie Mathieu ... Nicolas Corradi
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi generate nuclear diversity in the dikaryotic life-stage stage via inter-nucleus recombination.