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    1. Neuroscience

    The Neurodata Without Borders ecosystem for neurophysiological data science

    Oliver Rübel, Andrew Tritt ... Kristofer E Bouchard
    The NWB data language enables reproduction, interchange, and reuse of diverse neurophysiology data, and the design principles of NWB are generally applicable to enhance discovery across biology through data FAIRness.
    1. Neuroscience

    Putting perception into action with inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics

    Dominik Straub, Constantin A Rothkopf
    A new method for analyzing continuous psychophysics experiments estimates not only perceptual uncertainty from tracking tasks but also action variability, intrinsic costs, and subjective internal models.
    1. Plant Biology

    Uncovering natural variation in root system architecture and growth dynamics using a robotics-assisted phenomics platform

    Therese LaRue, Heike Lindner ... José R Dinneny
    Advances in robotics-assisted plant handling and automated image analysis enables the characterization of root growth dynamics for Arabidopsis accessions at late stages of development and the association of these traits with genetic variation and climatic variables.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neuroscout, a unified platform for generalizable and reproducible fMRI research

    Alejandro de la Vega, Roberta Rocca ... Tal Yarkoni
    A web-based analysis platform for public fMRI data using naturalistic stimuli, leveraging state-of-the-art feature extraction models to enable more generalizable and reproducible findings.
    1. Neuroscience

    Fast, high-throughput production of improved rabies viral vectors for specific, efficient and versatile transsynaptic retrograde labeling

    Anton Sumser, Maximilian Joesch ... Yoav Ben-Simon
    Mapping neuronal circuits is made substantially faster, simpler and more accurate with this extended toolkit of novel cell lines and vectors.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Reverse engineering of metacognition

    Matthias Guggenmos
    A model framework and toolbox to quantify metacognitive biases and sources of metacognitive noise in animal and human confidence data.
    1. Neuroscience

    3D optogenetic control of arteriole diameter in vivo

    Philip J O'Herron, David A Hartmann ... Andy Y Shih
    The diameter of individual or multiple arterioles can be rapidly controlled with high spatiotemporal resolution using optogenetics, providing a technique for the direct manipulation of blood flow independently of neural activity or pharmacological agents.
    1. Medicine

    Brain atlas for glycoprotein hormone receptors at single-transcript level

    Vitaly Ryu, Anisa Gumerova ... Mone Zaidi
    The most comprehensive neuroanatomical atlas on the expression of three glycoprotein hormone receptors, namely, TSHRs, LHCGRs, and FSHRs, was mapped using RNAscope, a technology that allows the detection of mRNA at single-transcript level.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Mars, a molecule archive suite for reproducible analysis and reporting of single-molecule properties from bioimages

    Nadia M Huisjes, Thomas M Retzer ... Karl E Duderstadt
    Mars provides a software platform for the development of complex single-molecule analysis workflows enabling the discovery and reporting of new biological phenomena with an open data format accessible to everyone.
    1. Neuroscience

    Time-resolved parameterization of aperiodic and periodic brain activity

    Luc Edward Wilson, Jason da Silva Castanheira, Sylvain Baillet
    The new method and reported findings address a growing interest in neuroscience for research tools that can reliably decompose brain activity at the mesoscopic scale into interpretable components.